
Monthly and yearly tax in Swiss?

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I am interested how the things are going in Zurich and Basel for salary 4500-6000CHF brutto on monthly level and later how the things are going on yearly tax,thanks




  1. From you gross (brutto) wage, monthly deductions will be as follows (2003 data):

    Pension Scheme (AHV/IV/EO)  5.050 %

    Unemployment (ALV)  1.500 %

    Health (Krankentaggeld)  0.680 %

    Accident (Unfallversicherung)  1.359 %

    (Above deductions from gross wage)

    Retirement Plan (BVG) 6.500 %

    (BVG is calculated from the so-called "co-ordinated wage", which is the then-current max. monthly AHV pension payment.)

    Then there might be a deduction for canteen usage or the like.

    4,500 would result in 3,916; 6,000 results in 5,287.

    Please note that the percentages might have changed slightly and that insurance depends on gender, too.

    At least the calculation will give you a basic idea.

    As for annual tax, again it depends on some details:

    marital status, income level, residency status (i.e. depending on your permit, taxes might be deducted from your monthly salary automatically (10-12 %; "Quellensteuer")).

    If that does not apply to you - as a rule of thumb - you will have to save about two months' gross wages to cover your annual (municipal and state) taxes.

    You will have to add rent (CHF 600-1,200 for a 1-2 room appartment) and health insurance (CHF 120-200 per person); monthly spendings on food: approx. CHF 400-600 per person.

  2. the tax is doing good here

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