
Mood Sync, have you used it?

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I just ordered Mood Sync, it is the natural alternative to anti depression pills. It has naturally occuring ingredients that I need to help maintain seratonin levels. Please let me know if you have taken it, if it works or doesn't work and if you would recommend it to your friends or not. I am in need of alternative treatments, so any suggestions in that direction would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!




  1. I looked up MoodSync, and yes it is a good supplement, "Mood Sync's special formula contains: Tyrosine, an amino acid, that provides dopamine and norepinephrine. GABA, the anxiety amino acid. Glutamine, a major inhibitory neurotransmitter. Taurine, an amino acid, needed by body in times of stress. 5-HTP is The Serotonin Link.® B6, the cofactor that activates amino acids. "

    This is all good, and it should show great results, although it is not a magic bullet, you need to address mind, body and soul for depression. If you also suffer from OCD {A comorbid condition many depressed patients suffer from} then the dopamine in the MoodSync may make this anxiety disorder worse.

    Personally I have not taken Mood Sync Comprehensive supplement, although I have suffered from depression. The following worked for me:


    Here is a treatment plan from the book 'Nutrition and Mental illness' by Carl Pfeiffer PhD MD, for depression take:

    1. B6 and zinc, taken in the morning, as P-5-P Complex supplement

    2. zinc, 30mg, bedtime

    3. Deanol {DMAE}, 5 drops, each morning

    4. Vitamin C {1000mg - 2000mg, as Magnesium Ascorbate} and dolomite

    For an entirely Herbal remedy, consider:

    1. 300mg St. John's Wort

    2. Kava Kava

    3. 60mg Ginkgo Biloba

    4. Also consider supplementing 5-HTP, 30mg per day

    5. 400mg SAMe, this has been called the instant antidepressant

    If your depression has lingered for a while:

    1. Check if you have candida overgrowth

    2. Get a blood test for histamine levels, Pyloria, and Allegies, these are conditions that can cause or perpetuate depression.

    3. See a orthomolecular nutritionist/doctor, and/or a good naturopath


    Synchronising your Circadian Clock

    Most depressives have distorted circadian clock, and abnormal sleep patterns, the following will re-sync your internal clock.

    1. 30mg Melatonin before bed time {the chemical hat make you feel sleepy: Melatonin}, or 5-HTP

    2. Hot Bath, Exercise {4-5hours before bedtime}, and s*x {releases chemicals that makes you feel sleepy}

    3. Well i have never had to try the 3rd option, but i suppose warm hot chocolate or listening to a relaxation CD, like Brain Sync.


    Lifestyle changes

    1. get 30minutes of exercise per day, e.g. swimming, yoga, or brisk walking. Proven to beat depression, faster than antidepressant medication, in one published scientific study. Exercise outdoors if you can, you will get the added benefit of fresh air, and Vitamin D production from sunlight.

    2. Drink/make Kefir, very healthy for the gut, and can cure depression. Source: 'Gut and Psychology Syndrome' book, by Dr. Natasha Campell MD

    3. Learn Emotional Freedom Technique, preferably with the aid of a EFT qualified teacher.

    4. Read the religious scriptures of the religion you follow. If you do not have any religious scriptures or do not follow any particular religion, consider reading the Holy Qur'an, this heals the soul.

    5. Get plenty of sleep, atleast 8-hours, go to bed at 10PM, as this has been shown to be the ideal time.

    6. Last but not least, consider juicing fresh organic fruit/vegetables, look into Gerson Therapy. Buy organic fruit/vegetables in bulk from local Farmer's Markets to get yourself a bargain.

    Best of luck. May your depression be lifted.

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