
Moon AND Pluto TRANSIT...

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Moon and Pluto TRANSITING Saturn conjunct Uranus in the 7th House in Sagittarius.

Can anyone tell me what this all means?




  1. Can you word your questions better?

    Are you saying that the Moon and Pluto, by transit, are conjuncting natal Saturn & Uranus in this chart, in the 7th house? Since as I write, Pluto is currently in late Sag/early Cap, I am assuming this is the question.

    If so, combining Pluto & the Moon are kind of funny. The Moon is the fastest moving and Pluto is the slowest... The Moon has passed over this Saturn/Uranus pair once a month, every month, since this person was born...

    The Pluto transit is much more significant. This would be a fairly major change. As it is, just having Saturn/Uranus conjunct in the birth chart is a handful. The planet of restriction, control and structure (Saturn) is paired with the planet of chaos, surprise and freedom (Uranus) and they have been trying to work together. Now Pluto is crossing over them and demanding major transformations to the way they have functioned up until now. A Pluto transit is a deep affect, often digging up deep-seating beliefs that have been held for a long time, so they can be examined and dealt with. And all this would be occurring in this person's 7th house of partnerships and relationships.

    The Saturn/Uranus pair in this house has already given this person an unusual approach to relationships... and the Pluto transit could bring in a very demanding, transforming partner that may try to restrict and disrupt this person. Or the person may seek out this type of relationship. In either case, this will trigger awareness of those deep-seated personal issues mentioned above. This is karmic lesson time.

    Look to the person's natal Venus and Moon, and the aspects those planets make, to see what ammunition this person has to cope with this transit. Pluto transits can last for a year or more, and if the natal Saturn/Uranus pair have a wide orb (5º or more) then it could be a two-or-more year period. If they are wide, then the transit memphasis might shift from Saturn to Uranus, back & forth, as Pluto goes forward, then retrograde then forward again.

    During this period, that speedy Moon will connect with this situation anywhere from 18 to 24+ times before it is over, so the Moon is the least of this person's concerns.

    Man... don't you ever ask easy questions? (grin)

  2. Ummm.... Gesundheit!  

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