
Moon Landing Anomalies: Where is the soil on landingpad?

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In this movie from NASA site of A11 you plainly see soil blown all over during landing.

It looks like a "Swiffer" was used to clean the landing pad in this NASA site image

Also, it looks like the foil was unwrapped from landingpad, left an imprint in soil before it was rewrapped (foreground) why was the gold foil even there in the first place, much less unwrapped??




  1. The Mythology & Folklore section is a good place this question.

    People worked hard and long, some risked their life, and some died to make moon landings happen.  Including the making of the photos and videos mindless people like to critique.

    If you have serious questions, like what happens when the lander touches down, or why there is gold foil on space craft, this is the place.  There may well be people who worked on space craft to answer honest questions.

  2. wonderful video, thank you very much!

    as to your question...

    have you ever played marbles?  Here is what you are suggesting... you pick up your shooter, point it at the pile and fire it off... the whole pile goes flying and then... some of them come back and land in the circle!

    you seem to confuse the way dust and dirt at in an atmosphere with the more pure Newtonian physics you get in a vacuum.

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