
Moon Landing did it happen or is it a hoax?

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Moon Landing did it happen or is it a hoax?




  1. This WEEK?  More like the third time TODAY.

    There is no credible evidence that the Moon landings were a hoax.  There are no relevant experts who believe it was a hoax.  The conspiracy theorists who propose it have no credentials or expertise in the topics, and make very silly arguments that fool only gullible laymen.

    The "documentary" a few years ago was broadcast on Fox, and was variously titled "Conspiracy Theory:  Did We Land on the Moon?" made by Nast Entertainment, whose producer Bruce Nast is normally above such hogwash.  (He is the creator, for example, of the successful Modern Marvels series.) You can find it on YouTube if you really want to waste an hour of your life.  It was not a documentary; it was essentially a one-hour commercial for the conspiracy theorists.

    There were three token skeptics:  Brian Welch of NASA, Paul Fjeld (a lunar module expert), and Brian O'Leary (former astronaut).  I was not able to interview Welch; he unfortunately passed away.  However, in my interviews with both O'Leary and Fjeld, I was told that they were very displeased with how the producers had used their comments, that they had been misrepresented, and that Fjeld was even considering pursuing legal action.

    The program was received so poorly by the relevant expert communities that Fox pulled it immediately and has no plans to re-run it.  As a sort of "penance," according to Mark Gray, executive producer of Spacecraft Films, Fox Home Video now distributes the Spacecraft Films products, which include complete versions of the Apollo television and film records.

  2. If you have a good Broadband plan for your internet, which allows you to download gigs of files - you can download all of the documentaries which cover this topic - around 6-7 of them.

    I think the first documentary which covered this subject was "A Funny Thing That Happened On The Way To The Moon" - the conclusive evidence was this inside filming in the command module - which showed the astronauts faking it - as if they were half way to the Moon, when they were actually in low Earth orbit.  Without this film clip - the documentary would be without proof.  The follow up to this "Astronauts Gone Wild" was simply the director hounding a former astronaut to admit it was all faked - the former astronaut had to only act peeved off, and say something like "Oh, you're very silly - because we brought all the evidence and proof back with us... etc..." instead of getting very irate and wantings to smash the director up.

    The best documentary would be the English produced "What Happened on the Moon" which presents a lot of facts to support the theory that it was all faked.  To support this would be the lesser known documentary "The Missing NASA Transmissions" - while not focused on the Moon missions, but on the early shuttle missions - it does show how NASA is not completely open and honest with us - the public.

    Adding to all this confusion - is the claim from the ETs (the Plejarens - via Billy Meier) - that only Apollo 11 was faked, but later moon missions were genuine.

    This makes sense because of so many untried and untested equipment being used for the very first time.  The USA would not want the mission to fail with the eyes of the world upon it - and so a guaranteed success was what was wanted.  Just like the first man in space, was most likely not Gugurin - but another man - that Gugurin was merely the publicity man.  That the Russians were prepared for failure - and the way the publicity was done, was such that it could not have failed.

    If you watched documentaries on the first US astronauts - the commentary is so very bad with it's propaganda message, with no facts given - saying how brave and courageous these men were, etc ... it is very obvious what the whole documentary was about - glorifying the motherland - the USA.

    The Billy Meier information is here...

    (also [English Discussion Board])

  3. This question is like the proverbial bad penny! I don't know how often the bad penny was supposed to turn up but every few hours?

    In short, yes, the Moon landings did take place; no, they were not hoaxes.

    The evidence for the landings is overwhelming, it is truly remarkable just how many people are unable or unwilling to accept that truth. The so-called evidence put forward by hoax proponents is on examination spectacularly weak or downright wrong. In most cases many of the claims of hoax believers show a poor grasp of science or even simple logic.

    But, it makes a good story though doesn't it?

    It's a pity that an even more amazing story, true as it happens, took place between 1969 and 1972. Twelve men set foot on an alien, dusty, dry body called the Moon. An astounding technical achievement, a brave endeavour, perhaps the most remarkable voyage by man.

    But I guess that is just not good enough for some is it?

  4. F**k me Lawrence, how many times does this Q have to be asked before people will believe!

    By the way, its landingS...there were more than one...that would be alot of hoaxes wouldn't it?

  5. You can ask this question as many times as you like, it's still a ridiculous question.

  6. This question was asked 7 hours ago and almost every 7 hours before that going back into the mists of time.  

    Of course it happened.  Six times.  Bart Sibrel is a liar and a fraud.

    See the answer with Greek letters and my answer too.

  7. Sorry, this question has already been asked this week. Here's a list of all the most recent times this horse has been beaten. Scroll through the list and pick out an answer you like:

  8. allegedly mr tomas goodwin form 45 creditability street invented a camera which had 4 dimensions of film grade and a feereet called spit koko. 1967

  9. Of course it happened. The people who say it didn't have no proof whatsoever. Just another urban myth. In the last century there were people convinced the earth was flat.

  10. Oh no not again!.

    Go and boil your head.

    This question crops up every week without fail.

  11. It certainly did happen 7/20/69. FOX should be shut down for airing that dumb show that claimed it was a hoax. This has been refuted many times, so check on it.

  12. I watched a documentary on it a few years back,wish i could remember the title.I really hope we did but  based on that I feel there is strong evidence to suggest we didn't : (

  13. Its not true no one as ever been to the moon and it will never happen

  14. i think so but not the 'first time' that you had shown at the world

  15. Of course it happened.  A better question is how come people are so gullible they take the fantasies of mentally ill conspiracy theorists seriously, unless they are mentally ill themselevs?

  16. The six Apollo Moon landings are among the best documented events in human history: thousands of pictures, hours of video, nearly half a ton of Moon rocks, and millions of eye witnesses, including myself. There is not a single scientist in the world who doubts that they took place. To deny them is to discredit the magnificent achievement of the team which went to the Moon, and to reveal abysmal scientific ignorance.

    Do a little research:

  17. Yes it happened!

    What a lot of hoax advocates forget or don't realise is that it is not a question of knocking out some TV footage that would fool the average couch potato. yes, maybe that could have been done in a sound stage. But Project Apollo brought back data and physical samples that were released into the international scientific community. They would have had to fool or bribe every scientist in the world!

    And don't forget the Soviets, not ones to play ball with NASA, also brought back data from their lunar missions, including samples, that confirmed everything from Apollo!

    And now the Apollo 15 landing site has been imaged by the latest lunar orbiter. Case closed!

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