
Moon in Aries people, fun simple questionaire.?

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How well do you normally get along with other Aries people? How often do your Aries traits emerge (of course there will be a strong emergence of Arian traits when you're emotional) Are you daring, and confident? Do you attract many Arians to you? Do you feel you fit the traits of your sun signs or moon sign moon? And please, don't 4get ur sun sign!**Me- Taurus with Aries moon. I attract and like many Aries men, I get along with the women too. I get bored alot, like change, and am very impulsive. At times, I can be very tempestuous and impatient with people. I can be quick to get upset, but I try and forgive and not hold grudges. I have road rage, and don't like authority, confidence in men is a turn on,I can be jealous, and don't run from confrontation. i believe in fighting for your beliefs and not be silenced unless YOU want to be. I also am very assertive, and am very passionate, and can be outgoing @ times. Course I'm also lazy, ect.Serious answers only.




  1. you can change your personality traits. you don't have to live up to them.

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