Quote from :
Moon rocks are absolutely unique," says Dr. David McKay, Chief Scientist for Planetary Science and Exploration at NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC). "They differ from Earth rocks in many respects," he added.
"For example," explains Dr. Marc Norman, , "lunar samples have almost no water trapped in their crystal structure, and common substances such as clay minerals that are ubiquitous on Earth are totally absent in Moon rocks."
Also check out http://curator.jsc.nasa.gov/lunar/index.cfm
If the NASA Statements are true
the MOON ROCKS AND EARTH ROCKS are chemically different, THEN
the MOON itself can't be a 'chunk' of earth knocked into space by an asteroid collision.
It has to be the Asteroid itself, after striking earth, Bounced off the earth, but could not hit Escape Velocity and hung in an orbit about earth in the direction of it's original travel.