
Moon rotates on its axis or not?

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please give exact reason for your answer




  1. Our moon rotates on its axis at 10.3 mph. Reason? Because it's a fact and has been very precisely measured.

  2. First, a little background information.  The moon is not of uniform density.  Due to being bombarded with asteroids and meteors, one side of the moon was liquefied, and when it hardened it formed "lunar mare".  This area of the moon is dark and smooth, and denser than other areas.  The Earth's gravity attracts this denser side more than the other, so the denser side is always facing the earth.  As the moon orbits the earth, since the dense side is always facing us, the moon rotates about its on axis -- it rotates once for each orbit.

  3. It rotates. That is why one side of it has faced us for all eternity (almost all of it) and why there is a place called the dark side of the moon.


  5. Yes it does. The time taken to complete one rotation on its own axis is just EQUAL to the time taken to complete one revolution around the Earth.

    That is why it always shows the same face to us all of the time.

  6. Yes, the moon rotates with a period of approximately 28 days, which is also the period of its orbit around Earth. That is why same side of the Moon always faces us.

    Anyone who gives this factually correct answer the thumbs down has sh|t for brains.

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