
Moon-walker claims alien contact cover-up?

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"FORMER NASA astronaut and moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell - a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission - has stunningly claimed aliens exist.",23599,24070088-13762,00.html

If you can't believe a respected Astronaught, Dr, who has a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering and a Doctor of Science degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics..then who can ya believe??




  1. I think that not only our government but others as well are covering up all info on aliens . I think that Brazil is the only country to say that they have seen a UFO .

    I hope I live long enough to actually see "them" and see what they have seen and use their technology .  Your  right when you say " If we can't trust the good Dr. , then who can we trust?"

  2. all i can say is idk

  3. I think maybe Dr. Mitchell might be a little less credible now in his old age.

    The discovery of even just alien bacteria or microbes would have strong implications on our understanding of life on Earth. Right now scientists are spending millions of dollars exploring space in hopes of finding some form of alien life. Not intelligent life (although the possiblity is open), but just life in general. Why? Because it would revolutionize our understanding of how life may have originated not only on our Earth but in the universe too. Also, it would help us understand if life is rare or common, and if it is common, is there intelligent life somewhere else out there?

    Therefore, if the government and NASA had known about the existence of intelligent life in the universe for 60+ years, why and how are they covering it up? It would revolutionize science textbooks of every kind! It would be one of the greatest discoveries in human history! Certainly NASA would stop their great efforts to find a lousy specimen of bacteria on an alien satellite. It's complete lunacy! It's unfortunate that Dr. Mitchell has been reduced to such dementia, but I would believe the other 99.9% of scientists who say we have yet to find any sort of alien life in the universe.

  4. It's really nothing new where Mitchell is concerned.  It's too bad.  I saw some videos and all he seems to be able to offer is what other people told him.  His claims, along with those of Gordon Cooper, have certainly caused a lot of people to believe that we are being visited by ETs.  I don't know what they saw, or how reliable their memories are, but I believe they think they are telling the truth, and that they are gravely mistaken in their conclusions.

    At least I don't think we'll ever have to worry about Mitchell denying we ever went to the moon.

  5. I believe there are other beings elsewhere. But there is never any evidence with these claims. It's always hearsay, military briefs and government cover ups. Cmon..if the aliens are sophisticated and wanted themselves to be known they would. Our governments could not stop them.

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