
Moose and Deer... What Do You Do?

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If they are standing on the side of the road or pop out of no were as usual.

Do you

A. Just hope they don't come out and continue by

B. Lock em up and hope you stop in time

C. Honk and take the chance of startling them into the road in hopes they go back into the woods?




  1. if you are driving a car drive strait at him heel move i did it a few time it works but i wouldnt tri it on a motercycle thow

  2. Not much you can do except hope

    WHATEVER you do dont blow your horn at a moose those F-ers will charge your a-s

  3. i had to duck my head today while riding my RC51. a bird decided to fly into the path my helmet was travelling.

    A and C

  4. D. Mount a rifle to your handlebars.

  5. I live in Texas and several of my friends have hit deer in the past. It is never a good encounter. In addition to deer I also have to worry about cougar, turkey, feral pigs, wolves, dogs, cows, horses, and buzzards. A couple of years ago a buzzard left his lunch abruptly and I hit him with my mirror. I guess he was still hungry because my mirror went with him.

    This time of the year it is 100+ and there are still animals out, not only in the mornings and evenings, but during the heat of the day. I just ride a little more slowly, keep a close watch on the road, both shoulders and the fence line and always be prepared to slow down or stop, if you get enough of a warning. Sometimes you get no warning and just have to hope for the best.

    The safety editor for a major motorcycle magazine was killed in Texas a couple years ago when he hit a deer. This was a man who lived and breathed safety and he still got hit.

    Just be very careful.

  6. Try all of the above. I was out cruising around Thursday evening when a deer moseyed out on the road, I pulled over and watched the deer till he went out of sight. I pulled out, went about 100 yds. and a big a** black bear walked out on the road, luckily I was only going about 20MPH.

  7. if your worried they make little whistles that are peel and stick other than that just be aware and slow down when you think they may be there

  8. Blast um with my .45

  9. Slow down a little, and KEEP an eye on it.

    A deer standing on the side of the road is not likely to jump into the road. A moose will.

    Ride up toward the center of the road.

    Never "lock 'em up".

    Do NOT attempt to startle either one. A startled animal is a confused and unpredictable one.

    Deer will cross the road, and continue on.

    Moose will cross the road, and some times double back. They may do this without fully crossing the road. They also may do it a few times in a single attempt to cross. Moose are stupid.

    The wildlife you can find on my commute: deer, moose, turkey, bear, fox, squirrel, and those darned chipmunks.

  10. Give your front brakes a strong pull until the weight settles onto them while hitting your rear just enough to keep it from locking.

    Once the weight is on the front end (half a second at most), smoothly clamp down on the lever with all you've got. Downshift as you go, but not too fast. Keep your head up looking towards the safest path around the obstacle. If you have to swerve let up on the brakes so you can throttle up to keep your balance if needed.

    Don't use too much rear brake, if it locks up your only choice is to keep the pedal down and ride the bike strait until is stops or slows way down. If you let off the brakes with the wheel locked the back end can get squirrely and possibly highside you. If your front end locks up, pump the lever like you would brakes on a car.

    EDIT: I almost forgot, loud pipes don't save c**p, they just make us all look bad.

  11. loud pipes save lives.....and

    just pray the f'ers stay out of your way,have had plenty of close calls,its a real problem out here in the canadian praries,slow as much as you possibly can,and make as much noise as you can

  12. Continue with a close eye on them.  . If they get in front of the bike the  prescribed action is hard straight line braking.

  13. Flash yer lights at them and that should scare them back to wherever they come from.  

    (loud pipes are better to listen to and get more smiles from the cars im passing that listening to a crotchrocket)


  14. I usually just slow down if I spot something, but don't necessarily stop.  I don't own a bike, but I do see plenty of wild life on the road, the deer I usually spot in time, I'd be more scared of a moose because they don't seem to be scared of anything.  I tell you what though, what really keeps me swerving more than that are the wild turkeys, they're EVERYWHERE out here!

  15. B

  16. If I see them, I slow down as fast as I can (without locking em up). The ones that jump out of the woods in front of you? Not a whole lot you can do. If you don't hit it, go home and change your underwear. I have never seen a moose, I have no idea what they do.

  17. I think you should just flash 'em and keep going. I mean, literally flash them! Give 'em your best "Girls Gone Wild" pose as you ride by. Good luck,and I hope this helps!

  18. every situation is different i drive truck in nh vt and maine every day ive been taught always go towards the butt  they generaly dont run backwards hopefully they will keep moving and remeber its the one you dont see after you miss the first one that gets ya i have hit a moose with my truck not fun and ive seen a bike hit one not good either , ive never had a close call on my bike but on my wheeler ive found most animals wont hear you till your right there and about to pass thats when they get spooked i have hit one deer and almost two more with my wheeler , so i guess my advice ride towards the center of the road most roads in maine dont have much of a shoulder to escape on and slow down in areas where you may suspect an animal might be pay attention and always have a exit plan and dont lock up the bike i found i can always move around an object faster than i could stop and hope for the best

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