
Moped on cycle path?

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Are mopeds allowed on cycle paths in the uk?




  1. The answer is no, laws below, UK on bottom, goto website


    COUNTRY 11) Definition 12) how se-parated 13) use compulsory? 14) do cyclists have right at the junction ? 15) are mopeds al-lowed on them ?

    Austria part of the road reserved for cyclists. Indicated by a continuous white line and bike symbols on the road surface continuous white line yes no no

    Belgium two broken lines reserved to bicycles and mopeds. Bicycle symbol not required painted broken (white) line yes no yes

    Canada signs, pavement marking painted stripes  and bollards yes yes, rights and obligations no

    Denmark no special definition by difference in level or painting (stripes) with spe¬cial color, letters or symbols yes no yes, mopeds with small motor (less than 30 km/h)

    Finland no definition painted yes it applies the normal rule for crossing like all vehicles yes, except on cycletracks if the speed limit of cars is 50 km/h.

    France piste cyclable  is defined a way reserved to cycles and mopeds;

    bande cyclable: part of the street or road reserved to the same vehicles no special nor-malization yes no, unless local authorities have fixed a different rule yes

    Germany no definition round blue sign with white bicycle symbol yes yes no, unless signposted

    Hungary special lanes on the edge of the road at least 1 m.  wide with continuous yellow line yes no yes, if there is no sign forbidding it and if they keep speed limit

    Italy part of the road for bikes two parallel stri¬pes, one white and ano-ther yel¬low and a periodic white bi-cycle symbol yes always with the cros¬sing of fig. 2; like Spain in other cases. no

    The Nether-lands can be with bike logo or without in which case it has no legal status painted stripes ei¬ther interrupted or not not explicitly, but we should keep the right, so al-most yes no  except where indicated that the cyclist has to give way Depends on the type (1)

    Russian rep. no not defined yes no yes

    Spain not  specially defined -- yes, if marked by special sign only if the cyclist comes from the right,  if not otherwise signposted yes and  the cycle way is compulsory for cycles and mopeds

    Sweden special lane indi¬ca¬ted by sign or mark¬ing -- yes, if not in-con¬venient if it is a bike cros¬sing yes

    Switzerland indicated by a yellow stripe painted coloured stripes yes cycle lanes exist only on main roads, not on by-lanes, cyclists who move away from the cycle lanes do not have priority over  the other lanes yes, if they drive not more than 30 mph

    U.K. mandatory for cycles only (i.e. no cars) if solid line, advisory if broken line, never mandatory for cycles to use painted line only no no no

  2. i think so

  3. If a true moped (one that can be powered by pedals alone) then you can pedal it on a cycle path – you will not do this often, even mopeds weigh considerably more than a cycle.

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