
Moped vs motor scooter? What's the difference.?

by Guest55741  |  earlier

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Is there a distinct difference between a moped and a motor scooter, or are they both synonyms of the same object?




  1. As I understand it the difference is that a moped can be peddled, while a motor scooter can't.  There may also be a distinction in the engine size.

  2. mopeds can be ridden on the rode if it has lights and blinkers butmscootrs cannot. mopeds are usually fancier

  3. In NY State a moped can't have an engine size bigger than 50 cc's. They can be driven on city streets (35 mph or less). On roads 55 mph or less they have to be driven on the shoulder. They can't be driven on roads over 55 mph. Physically they look like a bicycle or small motorcycle (the frame sits between the drivers legs).

    A Scooter can have any size engine. They can be driven on roads up too 55 mph. Must be driving on the shoulder on roads over 55 mph. Physically they have a foot well ( sit on the seat and the legs can be placed together).

    Hope this helps.

  4. Magz gave the correct answer.


    Go to - Photos - View Photos - Babetta - randomly look at all of the brands - there will be a few odd-ball looking bikes, but you'll get the idea - a moped can be ridden like a bicycle.

    Scooters - &

    Mopeds are limited to a top speed of 28mph and a certain horsepower. To operate them - only need an automobile license and have it regestered (license plate).

    Scooters have no limit on speed, engine size and power rating - there are scooters as large as 650cc with speeds up to 110mph - to operate them a motorcycle license is required as well as registration and insurance.

  5. mopeds have pedals

    scooters have footwells

  6. They are pretty much the same, although over time different laws and perceptions have seperated the two.

    From a mechincal point of view, they're the same.

    From a law point of view, a scooter can be any size, but a moped can't be above 50cc, or go above 30mph.

    Many people think mopeds have pedals and you pedel to start them but this isn't true.

    Hope that helps

    I notice I've been given thumbs down, I can only think you are the people who believe mopeds have pedals. Go out and buy a moped, trust me it won't have pedals. They use to decades ago but the guy isn't asking for a history lesson so up to date information helps...

    Like telling somebody PC's accept casseste tapes, get with the times you old farts and stop rating me negative.

  7. Here is the State of Wisconsin's Department of Transportation definition of these.

    A moped, sometimes called a "scooter," is a motor vehicle with the engine as an integral part of the vehicle. If the engine is an add-on it's likely the vehicle is a motor bicycle, which has limited operation on highways different from motorcycles and mopeds. A moped engine may not exceed 50 cubic centimeters (CCs) in size with an automatic transmission, or 130 CCs in size if it is a bicycle type vehicle with fully operative pedals for propulsion by human power.

    Traditionally, mopeds had fully operative pedals but modern mopeds are usually more like small motorcycles with an automatic transmission and no pedals.

    A motorized scooter is similar to a traditional foot-propelled scooter with two small wheels except it is powered by either an electric motor or gasoline engine. A person operating a motorized scooter typically is in the standing position although some scooters are equipped with a bicycle seat.

    Unlike mopeds, which may be driven legally on public roads, a motorized scooter may not be operated legally on public roads or sidewalks within a roadway’s right-of-way.

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