
Moral Question - Can you hold a fundraiser to help pay off college?

by  |  earlier

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I was having a debate with someone whether or not it is moral to have a fundraiser to pay off outstanding college loans. This also assumes that the individual has the ability to pay them off eventually, but not until they are in their mid 50's. The fundraiser would go something like 50% to a charitable organization, 25% to the "winner", and 25% towards outstanding loans. The goal of it is not to pay off the loans entirely, but to take a large chunk out of it. I'm not even sure if this is legal or not (if you know the answer to this please post) this a immoral way to raise money?





  1. Yes it is perfectly legal to have a fundraiser for anything you want it for, as long as you tell other people what their moneys going for... For example, you can't tell people the fundraiser is for college and then you turned around and used it for your bills. You must state what the money is for...  

  2. Sounds legal and moral to me. And you are being upfront and honest about what the funds are going to be used for. I certainly would never attend one, but that is just me.

  3. Why not?You will not be using th money to buy Manolos and Chanel stuff...Your education will in turn let you help someone else-hopefully -in the future.Go for it.

  4. I would do it as a sort of celebration thing in honor of your graduating college or getting your first job or whatever. As long as you're honest about what the money is going for I don't see any problem with it. They have fund raisers for kids going into college so why not for those coming out?  

  5. Sure as long as you don't lie about why you are raising funds.  

    If people choose to buy from your fundraiser, they need to know to what cause it is going.....otherwise it is wrong

  6. I don't know if its legal or not. Check with your local city area.

    Hope that helps

  7. Sure, it's legal and moral.

    You can hold a fundraiser for any reason, as long as you are honest about where the money is going.

  8. hmmm, not sure really.  The best way to find out might be to ask someone prominent in your local council or whatever the equivalent is where you live.

    But if it is allowed where you live and everything is open and honest and people know exactly why you're holding this event, then I can't see the problem with that - if they're not happy with it, they don't have to give.

    In the meantime though, you could try selling stuff to earn money - do they have flea markets or car boot sales where you live?  That's one way to earn a bit of cash and get rid of some junk at the same time.

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