
Moral devlopment of mentally retarded adolescents?

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moral behavior of mentally retarded in the age of adolescence




  1. You seem to be asking whether students with MR should be taught morals.  Yes, all students should be taught moral and ethical responsibility.  I have worked with many students with a diagnosis of severe MR.  Truth is, most of them were more humane, loving, sensitive, and moral than many of my students without disabilities.  Of course, their disability doesn't make them immune from human error.  They should be taught to make wise choices and how to exercise personal responsibility.

  2. Just teach them what they can handle. You can probably work with what you'd teach other studens who don't have a disability but modified (the amount of modification is going to depend on the degree of intellectual disability these students suffer)

    Teach them to make good choices for themselves, their community and their environment that's what morals are mostly about.

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