
Moral dilemma about my pet rat...?

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My two year old rat is pretty sick. Here are his symptoms:

- Loss of hair

- Scruffy hair

*- Head tilt and lack of balance

- Loss of appetite

- Loss of energy (barely wants to leave his cage and when he does he just sits in a box I put out for him and sleeps).

I've been to the vet and he said it doesn't look like an ear infection but he gave him the meds for an ear infection either way. If it's not an ear infection he might have a brain tumor or seizures. The vet gave the rat two weeks of antibiotics and a shot of steroids. The vet said if the rat doesn't get better I should put him down to relieve his suffering.

He is only getting worse as the treatment continues. I donno what to do. I don't want to put him down but I don't want him to be in pain.

What would you do in my situation?




  1. As responsible pet owners sometimes we have to make this hard decision. I would choose to humanly euthanize him since his quality of life isnt that good. Make sure that your vet puts the rat to sleep before they euthanize him. Because a rat is so small they have to inject the stuff directly into there heart and this is extremely painful for the rat. Obviously you dont want him to suffer in his last moments. Tell them to give him a shot to put him to sleep then they will take him in the back and inject him and then he will pass. My heart goes out to you to have to make this decision. It may be hard but its the responsible thing to do. I have come out of the vets office numerous times in tears because I have had to do this to one of my rats. But it never has stopped me from getting more. If it were me I would put him to sleep. If your questioning whether you think the vet is right or not get another opinion. The loss of hair could be external parasites(mites or lice). Head tilt is most definatly an ear infection. Loss of energy, loss of appetite and scruffy hair could all be an upper respitory infection or an infection of some kind. I know I said to put him down but now that I think of it maybe you should get a second opinion from another exotics vet. If that vet says the same thing than it will ease your mind and you know what decision you will have to eventually make but if the second vet finds something treatable than all is well. First I would get a second opinion and if it is the same then I would definatly put him to sleep. I know this is really hard and my heart definatly goes out to you in this situation. Im so sorry you are having to go through this with you boy. I hope everything goes ok.

  2. I feel your pain. I've had sick animals before and it's always so sad to know what is best. I do think this is a personal decision and you have to go with what's in your heart.  

    Considering what is best for your pet is always the best course of action to take and it sounds like you've done EVERYTHING within your power to help him, at this point what is happening to him is beyond your control and I know that's hard to accept (because we want to be to make things better).

    I think you just need to evaluate what's best for him and go from there.

    You're in my thoughts during this very difficult time.

  3. As much as I have always loved my pets, I have alway prefered to put them down than to see them suffer.

  4. I would put him down. With rats any illness is really stressful on them than say larger animals, like dogs or people. Since a cure is doubtful, you might as will put him out of his suffering. Euthanasia is painless, and sometimes a lot better of an alternative than keeping a sick animal alive.

    Having said that, there might be a lot more to think about. For one, loss of fur would never be caused by an ear infection. The head tilting probably is. Either that or a head tumor. But loss of hair can be caused by mites or other external parasites, some internal parasites, improper diet (maybe allergies), and cleanliness. Has the vet said anything about that?

    The other thing, rats really need other rats for companions. This is not optional. It is one of their basic needs. But anyway, the lethargy may be encouraged through the fact that he is alone (if he is alone, anyway). Single rats also heal from illnesses a lot slower than those kept with other rats. So perhaps getting him a friend is something to consider if you wish to try and cure him.

  5. I know that you probally love your pet alot, and I know that it seems really harsh to put him down. But if you decided to keep him and he is just in pain then you are just being selfish. It would probally be best for him if you just have him put down. Sorry to be so blunt, but would you want to be in that much pain?

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