
Moral issues with vaccines?

by Guest57882  |  earlier

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I was raised in a family where vaccinations were thought of as harmful, although I did get the MMR. My husband and I want to conceive, and I continue to share the belief with my family that vaccines are harmful for children's health. I have weighed the pros and cons of each decision, but I still have underlying fears that I will end up doing more harm. I have received a lot of flack from people for not being legally exempt and I am afraid someone will try to force me into vaccinating my child or will scorn me publicly for being a bad mother. I do not want my child kicked out of school. If anyone has any personal experience with this I would like to Know. Do I have a right not to have my child vaccinated?

ALSO: my beliefs are very concrete and I dont need people telling me to vaccinate my child or that I am being stupid. This is my philosophy/religion so keep yours to yourself. I also don't want any doctors telling me why I need to vaccinate. I am aware of the reasons why.




  1. Interesting question. Every doctor is aware of the debate on vaccines, especially the MMR 3-in-1 trinity vaccine being linked to Autism and learning disabilites.

    Vaccines, by theory, seem like a good idea. Vaccines supposedly prepare your body to combat illnesses and deadly diseases, in advance. Basically, vaccines provide the body with a preview of a virus, toxin or bacterium giving it the opportunity to learn how to defend itself against it. If the body is then invaded by that particular pathogen, the immune system is locked and loaded. It does, however, weaken over time and may only be effective for the next few years. They aren't forever.

    Not to mention, training an immune system to tackle a gimped intruder, is like me teaching you martial arts, getting you to practice beating up some defenseless handicap in a wheel chair and then claiming you're ready to be a ninja and go out into the real world.

    No studies have ever proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that vaccines are effective, but in all fairness, no studies have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt they aren't either. They remain inconclusive.;...

    According to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, MMedSci(neurology), MMedSci(nutrition) in her book 'Gut and Psychology Syndrome the MMR vaccine has been found in a study by British gastroenterologists to contribute to the onset of Autism. This is an interesting read, I highly reccommend you read this. Further, the Hepatitis B vaccination, {i have been nervous about getting this vaccine, which is required for med school} has been linked to multiple scelerosis:

    According to a Doctor MD who practices Gerson Therapy, on the documentery Dying To Have Know, he claims his children have never needed a course of antibiotics, and seldom get ill, they follow the Gerson Therapy juicing, and vitamin/mineral supplements.

    The argument about the cause of illness has been going on since the mid 1800's in Paris. Pasteur said that illness happens when you encounter a microorganism which is stronger than your immune system. Anton Béchamp said that Pasteur was wrong and that illness occurs when the proteins present in each of our cells become bacterial and then fungal forms (Pleomorphism and Endobionts (Enderlein)).

    Claude Bernard said they were both wrong - that the only thing that mattered was the internal environment - a fact that even Pasteur accepted on his death bed.

    The fact is that they were all correct and all wrong. If the internal environment is correct, no pathogen can overcome it - brilliantly illustrated by Bernard when he drank a picture of plague bacteria before the medical society to prove it would not make him sick because his internal environment was intact.

    Miles Galin in New York did a similar experiment with cats showing that if you irrigate the eye with bacteria during surgery, they all get infected. If you irrigate the eye with Staph aureus, Pseudomonas aurigenosa, etc. 24 hours after eye surgery, none of them get infected. Again it is an issue of the environment.

    If the environment is weak (unbalanced, immune compromised - whatever term you want to use) introduced pathogens will be able to cause damage - often before you have time to correct the environment. Thus these bugs need to be destroyed.

    All chronic disease is characterised by a constant running of the sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system and a shutdown of the parasympathetic (eat and sleep) system.

    The sympathetic system is turned on normally when we are frightened. It can also be turned on by an acid pH which causes loss of magnesium and potassium and often copper. When it runs 24 hrs. a day, we are always in a fight or flight mode, day and night. The sympathetic system also turns on all of the endocrine glands. The brain makes brain chemicals, the thyroid makes thyroid hormone, the parathyroid makes more calcium, the adrenal make adrenalin, insulin and cortisol, the gonads make s*x hormones. All of this sharpens us to fight or run. However, after running all the time, they wear out and we begin to get to where we can't think and remember, our metabolism slows down, we don't make adrenalin and can't deal with stress, we get hypoglycemic because the cortisol and insulin don't work smoothly, we get impotent and disinterested in s*x, etc.

    In addition, when the sympathetic is running, it turns on the immune system. It wears out like the rest and we are more susceptible to infections.

    The protit of the endobiont (small harmless protein in all cells) turns into mycoplasma when toxins are present. The reason we have mycoplasma in our system normally is we need them to eat the Raid you just inhaled while spraying that wasp. The point is that when we get a lot of toxins in our system, our body makes mycoplasma to eat the toxins. The mycoplasma get blamed for the disease caused by the toxins simply because they are present. You will always find a lot of mycoplasma in the live blood of those with autoimmune diseases.

    When the parasympathetic nervous system shuts down, blood is shunted to the muscles so you can run or fight better. This stops production of digestive enzymes and the normal extraction of water by the large intestine. Thus even if you eat a great diet and take supplements, they are not absorbed because the gut is shut down!! The sludge that is then created in the lining of the gut is like an oil filter in a car. It leaks back into the blood when the blood tries to extract water from the digestive sludge. These large, toxic proteins cause what we know as allergies.

    The body invites parasites and yeast (Candida) to help us clean up the waxy, oily sludge in our intestines. As soon as the sludge is cleaned and the parasympathetic nervous system is re-activated, the parasites and yeast leave. They cannot live in (and don't need to help) a normal internal environment. In the same way, a lot of Pleomorphism occurs in the body to give us the right kind of helper to clean up various messes we make in our bodies. The problem is that Rifers and physicians alike assume we have to kill all of these microorganisms. That just delays the healing process.

    The point is that we can make symptoms better by some of the things we commonly do, but long term health will not occur until the internal environment is returned to normal. The environment cannot be returned to normal until one can shut off the sympathetic and turn on the parasympathetic systems (actually "off" and "on" are used for emphasis -we really want them balanced). One therefore is forced to deal with the emotions that turned the sympathetic on as well as the diet that makes the system acidic and thus turns the sympathetic system on. Killing "bugs" is best restrained to acute, febrile situations. Curing chronic disease requires a patient commitment to learning new ways to control anger and frustration and changing eating habits. It will never be done with a Rife machine alone.

    More details on Pleomorphism can be found on the following website:

    This is a topic fundamental in the treatment of disease especially as information has been largely suppressed in the English speaking world. The most research work in this field has been performed in Germany.

  2. Some schools  you do have to show your immunization records and have to have them.

  3. yes. and i believe you'll live after you contract polio

  4. Basically the anti-vaccination crowd is riding on the coat-tails of those who do get their kids vaccinated.  You are counting on the "herd immunity" to protect your kids.  That's pretty selfish and hypocritical.  It's easy to take a stand like that when most people do vaccinate their kids, but I challenge you to go live in  equatorial Africa and not get them immunized against Cholera, Yellow Fever, etc.  Then I'll know you really are serious.

    You keep referring to your point of view as your belief and say it is your philosophy and religion. I don't see any mention of a clear understanding of the facts.  Personally I'm not ok with your kids getting tetanus and dying a horrible death, but I guess that's a chance you are willing to take on their behalf.

    So since you don't want to protect them from tetanus or meningitis, I guess that also means you don't want folks like me to treat them when they become infected?  "God's will," after all, isn't it?

  5. I believe that you should have the choice not to vaccinate them.  I know you'll probably get a lot of hassle both from your child's schools and doctors about vaccinations.  I would say, just stand your ground!

    After starting a natural health job, I realized how bad vaccines can be.  I used to take the flu shot every year, and still got sick (cough/cold) at least 2 times during the winter.  This year, I told my parents I didn't want it, and I've had the greatest immune system!  I haven't gotten a sore throat, cold, cough, or the flu in over a year.  Figure that!

    Philliplaprarie, you obviously haven't seen both sides of the vaccine debate.  While you may help prevent some diseases (while usually your body can fight the diseases by itself, without vaccines, providing you have a good immune system), have you seen the studies on the side effects of vaccines?  It's suggested that children develop ADD, ADHD, and other conditions/impairments from vaccines given as a child.  The other side of the stick, is "curing" diseases.  Do you ever see people trying to prevent cancer? Nope!  If you're taking vaccines to "prevent" disease, you might as well stop eating pesticide-ridden food, stop using chemicals in beauty and health products, fragrances, etc to prevent disease such as cancer!  It's funny how many chemicals people take in the form of drugs, vaccines, beauty products, cleaning products, and still think it's good for them!

    All in all, if you don't want to vaccinate your child, don't.  If someone tries to stop you, go to all ends to defend your belief. :)

  6. I'm sorry, but I think you're up a creek. My wife used to share your belief (read: PHOBIA) of vaccines and modern medicine in general. Your children deserve the chance to be healthy, and no amount of religious belief is going to make the medical facts go away. Vaccines aren't hocus pocus, and their results are not a debatable "philosophy." THEY SIMPLY WORK. A few allergic reactions in your family do not negate this fact.

    Please understand that I am not debating religion or philosophy with you. You are entitled to your beliefs. But if your beliefs are detrimental to your children, then your beliefs need to take second chair to the well being of your kids, whether that well being be in regards to their health, their education, or their social lives-all of which are affected by this decision.

    ADD: I must agree with the poster below me-a bit more cynical than I would have put it, but SPOT ON when it comes to the point made. And I just realized that I never answered your actual question: You do have the right, but as with many things that are protected as a "right" it is not the best decision just because it is allowed.

    ADD2: Way to give everyone who disagrees with you a thumbs down. Just goes to show...

    ADD3: Sorry-feel strongly on this issue so I need to respond to what you just wrote. You aren't getting a response from the other side because YOU ARE the other side. The rest of us are over here. You are (as I said before) entitled to your own beliefs. But if you're going to choose such backward morals, please don't be surprised when you're the only one. Perhaps what you really do need is one of your children getting a preventable disease. Watching your child die from a disease like polio would immediately reverse your thinking.

  7. You live in a society that has advanced itself to the point that it can actually prevent disease. Vaccinations arent some devil stick or whatever you THINK they are. They arent vials of poison. They are preventative medicine. Not taking advantage of that is very negligent. Its probably worse than beating your children. People like you shouldnt be allowed to have children. Its stupidity of the highest calibur to not take advantage of something that could save your children from being disfigured by chickenpox or made infertile by measles. Or paralyzed by tetanus. Maybe you should just move to mexico or zimbabwe.

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