
Moral problem involving gift cell phone?

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My mom just got me a new cellphone and a new plan, however she did it without me and got a plan that I didn't really want (but I can live with it) she also got me the WORST phone there and I really had my heart set on a different nicer one. I can exchange it for a different one but I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth... should I just keep the phone or should I exchange it for the one I wanted? I don't want to hurt her feelings but I REALLY want a nicer phone. Help?




  1. If it had been me then I would have told my mother "Thank you very much for the gift, but there is a little problem, there is another phone that will suit my needs better and I hope that you won't be hurt if I change the one I got for the other one. I still appreciate the gift and I hope that you understand that I'm really happy that you gave it to me."

    My mother wouldn't have a problem with it, she knows how it is to get something that doesn't full fill the need and she wouldn't mind me changing it. I'm sure of that.

    Don't complicate things, just tell her that I need this [feature] and the other phone has it. No big deal really. You didn't know that I need it, but it's easy to fix by exchanging the phone for one that has it.

    The best way to not hurt someones feelings is to be honest in a gentile way and explaining things as uncomplicated as possible.

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