I have a deep rooted belief that legislating other peoples lives through legislation is morally wrong, and can lead to your own lifestyle being legislated against in the long run.
However, I also believe that homosexuality is morally wrong,
and although I don't think doing drugs is morally wrong, just not the smartest thing to do for your body, health and family.
And as for the sellers, I view them the same that I do those that choose to sell alchohol. But, at the same time, it's just not right to legislate against someone that wants to do something that has nothing to do with anyone other than the one that decides to partake in the action (well, aside from accidents from drunk driving, and abuse stemming from drunkeness).
If we legalize things like that, do you really think that they will all run rampant? Are they going to destroy the moral fabric of society? And, if you believe against these things, do you think that you are morally obligated to opose them, or support and protect Liberty?
Which is more important in the long run?
Thanks :-)