
Morality Vs. Liberty?

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I have a deep rooted belief that legislating other peoples lives through legislation is morally wrong, and can lead to your own lifestyle being legislated against in the long run.

However, I also believe that homosexuality is morally wrong,

and although I don't think doing drugs is morally wrong, just not the smartest thing to do for your body, health and family.

And as for the sellers, I view them the same that I do those that choose to sell alchohol. But, at the same time, it's just not right to legislate against someone that wants to do something that has nothing to do with anyone other than the one that decides to partake in the action (well, aside from accidents from drunk driving, and abuse stemming from drunkeness).

If we legalize things like that, do you really think that they will all run rampant? Are they going to destroy the moral fabric of society? And, if you believe against these things, do you think that you are morally obligated to opose them, or support and protect Liberty?

Which is more important in the long run?

Thanks :-)




  1. I would say, if I had to pick if laws were bogus or not bogus, I would pick bogus.  People will do what they want to do, or have to do, regardless of laws and regulation.  Proof: there is a law against murder, but people still murder.  If that law was lifted today, how many of us who haven't murdered anyone, would go out and start shooting people in the head for no reason?  I for one would not, and I'm guessing a lot or most of the sane people out there would not.

    Laws and regulations were put into effect, in this nation at least, by the rich and powerful to benefit the rich and powerful.  There are so many laws in this country--federal, state, and city--you could take anyone individual and throw 'em in jail for violating a law.  I mean there are so many laws, that the likely hood of the average American breaking a law in any given day is very high.  This is why there are so many blacks and mexicans and poor people in jail, and very few rich and powerful.  The powers that be imprison those they think are trouble makers.

    Liberty is definitely more important.  We all know what it is, none of us have been truly liberated, but we know what it is.  Morality on the otherhand is not clearly defined.  So who are we to believe would give us moral laws?  Government officials who go around killing people who don't do what they want?

    As for your opinion of homosexuality being immoral, I have to wonder if you have a reason for it, or is it just because the church told you so.  Think for yourself why it is or isn't.

    Edit:  To answer Andrea's question of what will stop her or any individual from killing someone else in a lawless world?  That's easy to answer.  Friendship, loyalty, and being peaceful and nice to others.  Say Andrea wants to kill me, so she goes and kills me, for no real justified reason.  But I'm like a super nice, giving, "moral," loving guy, with hundreds of friends that everyone loves.  Guess how long it will take until my death is avenged?

    Point is people will learn rather quickly you can't go around being a murderous S.O.B.  This lawless state would also benefit people to be kinder, to build stronger relations with others.

  2. Morality leads to legalisation...morality  legalises things like arranged marriages ,female genital mutilation and violence towards homosexuals the world i ask you ..whats moral about that?

    Liberty is part of the liberal code ,we can all do what we like ,but because we are human ..we supposedly calculate that the actions we take may in some way be beneficial to society.For instance the drunk driver may not think twice about driving home because he/she needs to relieve the babysitter because the babysitter may have an emergency situation/may have a curfew and the drunk driver in the blurred state of mind will be positive that the act of driving drunk is a rational idea.

    If we all gave into morality and the codes of conduct that go with it where would we be ....a dark grey monotonous world,with no thought provoking art,literature,colourful characters and exceptional acts of kindness.

    If we say that liberty wins whats to stop me killing someone i don`t like?Maybe with society being truly liberal life, would be far too colourful,norms of behaviour breakdown thus does society.

    Its all about about balance i think

  3. We need a balance of both.

    It would be nice If we could depend on everyones individual morals to coexist. But, everyones morals are different. Who is to say what is right and wrong and who's job is it to enforce right and wrong.

    Law and rules in general are in place to uphold order and peace. With them it would be survival of the fittest. Just look at current and historical cases of genocide.

    But where to draw the line. We have to determine humans rights. the most simple answer would have to be "my rights go until your rights begin, and visa versa."

    On another note, the seatbelt law seems crazy. along with many drug laws. "Who is the government to tell me how safe I have to be. It should be my choice."

    This is example of government controlling th greater good of the country over personal rights.

    This is why both are very important. and a neutral balance must be kept as long as humans rule the earth.

    So I will continue to hide my personal law breaking habits from the government.

    p.s. If you are an atheist, then morals are pointless to you. It is just chance life happened.

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