
Morality stakes...what do you feel is the worst social morae?

by Guest62391  |  earlier

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Let me pick your brain......

Some people think it's pornography, others say it is politicians. The g*y and L*****n Community, corruption within the Catholic Church, Mafia groups, Drug trafficking.......the list is endless.

Name your most infamous social ill and why?

Let the games begin........




  1. I'm only answering this because you have a hot looking avatar!

    I think its pedophilia, torture (government or just individual), famine.

    Also I think the s*x industry does a lot of harm to those involved, and is probably something 'consensual' that is probably worse than alot of illegal things.

    And then there's war, probably so obviously wrong that its rarely mentioned.

  2. anyone who does'nt agree with me...because i am right and anyone who does'nt agree is wrong.

  3. Morality is so closely intertwined with money and is not the same to all people any where on earth.

    Personally, I prefer to use another word like "belief system".

  4. morality.

  5. violence against others

  6. cruelty in all it's forms. or maybe stupidity? hmmm I think I'll go with stupidity.

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