
Morals, why or why not respect both Jesus, and Buddha?

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And when will people admit that Buddha had more wisdom? And while we are being honest, neither were any more the son's of a god than you or me. They just said some things that were recorded for their inspiration.

Jesus spoke the most about helping the poor.

Buddha was born with everything, and gave it all away at 29 to study under Guru's, and deprive himself in order to reach enlightenment.

Why can't we just write them off as cool, and worship our ancestors, and respect our elders instead of spending time in ceremonies that just communicate cultural ritual?




  1. Because Buddha never said anything about stoning homosexuals, or beating your disobedient wife.

  2. I think both are wise. But personally Jesus led a better example in my view. He may have not had everything but he was sure ready to give up what he had, even his own life at that. Buddha on the other hand left his wife and child.


    Jesus never said anything about homosexuals at all, and he did speak out against stoning people.


    Yes, but a child gowing up without a father is a very bad thing. What kind of example does this set for a child? That it's OK to leave as long as you come back, like many years later? That is not moral in my view at all.

  3. Jesus saves, Buddha recycles...okay I saw that on a bumpersticker and liked that.  

    As a Christian, I do respect Buddhism and my Buddhist friends.  But I am a follower of Jesus Christ and approach Buddhist studies only as a means to enrich my Christian faith.

    Consider reading some books by Thomas Merton.  He's a monk who died in the 1960s but had a good friendship with Thich Nhat Hanh, a Buddhist monk.  I've read "Contemplative Prayer" by Merton and am working on "Living Buddha, Living Christ" by Hanh.

  4. Buddha wasn't born of a virgin, committed miracles (cured the sick, walked on water, etc.), and died for our sins and then resurrect from the dead like Jesus did.  Jesus never sinned or married... because he is the Son of God and getting married was not in his plan.

    Buddha basically just set examples of how to live.

    Not to say that both shouldn't be respected at some level... but both did VERY different things.  Buddha didn't do near what Jesus did.

  5. And they did offer to make Jesus king of a city but he refused

  6. We cannot write them both off as "cool" because Buddha never * claimed * to be God incarnate, whereas  Jesus made that proclamation many times.   If He truly wasn't the Son of God, then he certainly isn't "cool", he was a liar.  A liar who had  followers that died for Him

    So either He's the Son of God, which puts Him in a vastly different league than Buddha, or He is a liar.  Take your pick, but don't schmooze somewhere in the middle.

  7. They both help mankind work to balance their lives out. I respect all. Balance the goal of all faithful people.

    People don't because they are here not to answer questions but to try and convert you. Yes including athiest.

    I just want to make people think. Spearhead Yell Fire Boy.

  8. Jesus was a Buddhist. :)

  9. jesus yeah gave his life at least buddha isnt surrounding by fantasy

  10. I think they both had a good message. If people would just stop refering to them as gods we'd be all set.

    They both just wanted peace.

  11. Both Jesus and Buddha were sent by God as messengers/examples of The Truth.  All religions seek to find the same Truth for there is only one.   Check it out at

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