
Morbihan area Bretagne(Brittany) France - Whats it like?

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members of my family are recently looking at buying a business and property in this area (my mum and step dad and half brother and sister) and though I am not actually going with them as such, I am considering going over for a while if it all goes ahead to work in their bar and save some cash for my move to the Netherlands (that's another story.)

I am also generally concerned for the well-being of my young brother and sister, as Im not sure they will adapt, or that there will be anything to do there?

can anyone tell me as much as possible about this area? is there a lot for the youngsters to do? any other expats? are the towns nearby (pontivy etc) any good and what kind of bars and restaurants do they have? are the French/Breton people welcoming? Is it miles of inaccessable countryside seperating all the towns?

very little information seems to be available about this area and I would appreciate any insight.





  1. Morbihan (south-central Brittany) is a beautiful area of small towns, farms and coastline. It is very busy in summer when people visit for vacations. They go to sail, swim, visit neolithic remains, visit lovely old towns, bike in the countryside, etc. It is pretty quiet in the winter, and the weather is cool and damp -- like Cornwall.

    There are a large number of old farm and village houses now used as holiday homes particularly Brits. Some stay there the whole year.

    Bretons are mostly welcoming, especially if you make an effort to speak French. The food is great; there are lots of cafes and bars even in small towns, and along the roads. Some of the villages are depopulated as people have moved to the towns for jobs. There are no miles of inaccesible countryside -- the place is dotted with small towns and villages. Vannes is a really nice town, with lots going on.

    All that being said, it would be quite a change for any English-speaking family to move there. It is very Breton and the percentage of people speaking English is much lower than in the big cities and major tourist areas.

  2. I do not have much to add to the above answers except that you will not be the first brit to settle in Morbihan. I have once stayed there in a bed and breakfast that was owned by an English lady and this does not seem to be an exception at all.

    I personnally like Vannes and its old town and fine creperies.

    Directory of websites in the departement of Morbihan

    Photos of the Gulf of Morbihan

  3. As I'm from Lorient in the Morbihan I can give you a bit of help, hopefully!!! the south of the department is a lot more touristic (Vannes, Lorient, Auray... ) and you've got some beautiful beaches , villages and quite a few islands like Belle ile en mer , Groix, Ile aux Moines. It also seems to be more work than inland also Pontivy and Loudeac are quite busy towns.

    The other thing about inland is that there is a lot of British people there . There 's even a pub in Pontivy called "Bob the pub ".You can find chinese, marocan, italian and also franch restaurant . In a village called Rohan (about 15kms from Pontivy there a pub called the "Petit Tonneau" and it's owned by a great british lady.

    In the country side you definitly need your own transport as there s very little buses (if any !!) but in towns like Vannes and Lorient it's easier.

    All in all I hope that you and your family will enjoy Brittany because I DO MISS IT a lot !!!!

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