
More Army question help!

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what are some of the fulfillments you get from the Army?




  1. You just asked a question like this.  Pick up a brochure it will tell you on there.

  2. i was in the airforce 30 years ago and still have contact with buddies now.

    Friendship, comradeship, a sense of purpose excitement adventure I could go on and on.

  3. Self respect and respect of others. Military people and veterans have an "aire" about them that people can see. Basiclly, take an Eagle Scout and multiple his persona by a factor of 100.  

  4. Job security.


    Faster promotions.

    Positive reinforcement.

    World class training and equipment.

    Size (whole Army concept).

    Increased funding for Units.

    Increased opportunity for military and civilian schooling.

    Long rich history that spans more than 230 years.

    Larger special operations community.

    Supportive family groups.

    The list just keeps on going! But these are the ones that come to mind currently.

    PS.-why can't you go and see a recruiter? I'm a recruiter and would certainly entertain the questions you might have. Not everyone knows but as a recruiter we represent the Army in our local communities. By representing this fact we understand that not everyone is interested in joining but may still have questions. As long as your an upstanding american citizen I see no issue in you questioning a recruiter. Remember to keep it professional.

  5. look just go talk to a recruiter

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