
More Political Anagrams? Do you have some?

by Guest65464  |  earlier

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I wanted to add more to the question of Anagrams, so I opened this one up. Ah well, just here cracking myself up. Here are a few:

Laura Bush: Aruba Lush or Bah Ursula

George W Bush: Ego Shrew Bug

Rush Limbaugh: A Big Mush Hurl (so true), A Bush Girl Hum, I'm Bulrush Hag (hahahahaaha)

Bill Clinton: Till I'm In A Clown, I'm Now Lila Clint

Hillary Clinton: Torn China Lily or In On Lacy Thrill

Joe Lieberman: Me Join A Rebel

Michelle Obama: I'm A Bleach Mole, A Mambo Ice h**l

Chris Matthews: He Twists Charm

d**k Cheney: Chicken Dye, Needy Chick




  1. Barack Obama: Maraca Kabob

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