
More Swiss travel questions about trains and boats.?

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Thanks to Servett and the Goddess of grammar. I have changed my plans and now will be in Zweisimmen at 11:36 having completed the Goldenpass panoramic trip. I now have from then till 21:36 to get back to Geneve to board the train for Rome. Should I stop in Gstaad for lunch? Should I skip that and spend a few hours in Montreux and at Chillon? Should I take the boat from Chillon to Lausanne to Geneve instead of getting back on the train? If I take the boat, how do I get from the boat to Geneve Cff for my ride to Rome? Many thanks again for the answers I have already gotten.




  1. I thought your train was from Bern?

    I have a Generalabonnement which is like the Swiss Pass but for a year, and I find I don't need to make my plans too far ahead.

    If it's a beautiful morning, I'd carry on from Zweisimmen to Gstaad or Spiez or Thun and maybe take a boat there. (You can also eat on the boats.) If it's rainy, I'd spend more time in Chateau de Chillon or maybe check out the museums in Lausanne, take a later GoldenPass if it clears up.

    You really can't go wrong in any of those places, but you might end up wishing you could see more than you can. If you like boat rides, do that, if you prefer castles, do that. Since you're off to Rome next, maybe stick with the nature in Switzerland, since Rome has more culture/history but not so many hills.

    The train station is only a 15-minute or so walk from the lake, but I can't tell you off-hand how to go, only that there must be signs because I don't know Geneva really at all and I didn't get lost finding the train. Generally speaking, in Switzerland train stations are on streets called "Rue de la Gare" or "Bahnhofstrasse" so if you find such a road you're home free.

  2. thanks.

    I would go definitively go to Montreux and Chillon

    Gstaad is more a winter resort.

    Now , the train to Rome leaving Geneva is passing Lausanne, Vevey, Montreux and go to the Rhone Valley to take the Simplon Tunnel.  So no need to go to Geneva again.  The boat on th lajke is quite "slow" and may not take you in time in Geneva. go to the official CGN site:

    that will give you the timetable.

    If you have Eurorail take the train.

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