
More Yahoo Sexism: Check out the picture you receive when you make it to L2:?

by  |  earlier

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note the hair pin.

Can anyone share a photo from Yahoo emails when you reach other levels. For obvious reasons, I am forever doomed to level 2 and below.




  1. ....and this surprises you because?

  2. I'm confused... It is sexist because it's a picture of a woman? Or because the woman has hair pins in her hair?

    I hope you're joking...

  3. Oh man. This is a website for little girls....  : (

  4. Well, according to marketing research, women are 'perceived' as being friendlier. I think that's all it is (gosh, I HOPE that's all it is!).

    Remember when we had 'voices' in cars? 'They' used female voices for the computers because more people felt at ease with a female's voice. So, I'm guessing it's just that. Nothing personal on YA's part.

    Best wishes. ♥ ∞

  5. I just made it to level six, and to tell you the truth, it was the first time I ever paid attention to the photo.  Why?  Because it was of a little too young to be on Yahoo Q&A!

    What's up with sending a child's picture?!


  6. They have gone to far this time! women can't climb ropes.

  7. Best answer image....

  8. How do you know that the person in the picture is a woman? It could just as easily be a transvestite. ;)

    Congrats on reaching level 2!

  9. Why don't you tell Yahoo what kind of picture you'd prefer.  Perhaps a hermaphrodite of undeterminable heritage would be more to your liking?

  10. What about the hair pins?

    I guess Yahoo thinks that more women would come to Answers to chat and ask questions.  Maybe they do not think it is a manly thing to do.  Maybe they think Men would be out working, or playing football... What sexist!  After all it is evidence that men whine too.

  11. I would never know, I've never made it past L1.

  12. Level 5 photo

  13. Reaching Lvl three:

    How sexist!

    Edit: and racist!

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