
More about Munich-the city not movie?

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im watching the movie and i want to know more about the real event of that story, i thinkn it was in 1972, the munich olimpics but i need more deatils. tHAnk you




  1. As a sort-of epilogue; a lot of the places that were depicted still stand today. In the former olympic village you can still see the building where the siege took place. Nowadays part of it is a student halls of residence for the local university. Fürstenfeldbruck airfield still stands today as well though access is restricted as it is still an active military base.

  2. What the h*ll did he say?   Learn to speak english!  At least learn to put words together to make an interesting sentence.  I am Fluent in German and a couple other none English languages.  So COME ON!!!!

  3. wikipedia does not be help, i am german, ya near munich, it is very large german city, und important, it is located in southern bavaria state in germany, 1972 olympics was in munich, ya, in german, munich is spelled munchen,  the population is a bit more then one million, area code is 089, in germany, the liceance is M.  there are 25 subdivisions in munich  Christian Ude ist the major, and heres something, you america likes, munich is most famous city for delisiuos bear ya, you are welcome!

  4. From wikipedia:

    The Munich massacre occurred during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany, when members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage by Black September, a group with ties to Yasser Arafat’s Fatah organization.

    By the end of the ordeal, the terrorist group had murdered eleven Israeli athletes and coaches and one German police officer. Five of the eight terrorists were killed by police officers during an abortive rescue attempt. The three surviving terrorists were captured, and were later released by West Germany following the hijacking of a Lufthansa airliner, a release that has led to speculation that West Germany had helped stage the Lufthansa hijacking.

    Israel responded to the massacre with Operation Spring of Youth and Operation Wrath of God, a series of Israeli air strikes and assassinations of those Israel claimed were planners of the killings. It has since been claimed that evidence against those killed was uncorroborated and it is known that one innocent civilian was mistakenly killed by Mossad agents in Norway.

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