ok after my last post i added the vet recommended a viv for the time being as uv and temp control was a must for these poor neglected creatures, however can anyone advise as to the humidty level suitable for them and how best to adjust inside viv ? i currently have a 40w reflector bulb as their basking light which is giving them a hot end of 86 and cool end of 60 which i understand is fine but humidity stays at 60 and i been told needs be lower , is this true if so how can i lower ? also i was told they like to eat cuttlefish can they have this along with nutrabol that vet said to use daily in feed or is that like an overload if i put cuttlefish in tank as well , the larger one mentioned in my last posting i now know has pitting in his plastron due to lack of calcium / uv lighting from his last owner which we are tryin to help repair, vet said give max 12 hours uv for now until looks better then can lower a bit ? for those of you who have been helping in my postings before u be happy to hear small one is very active now and waking up by herself and feeding herself (she loves the dandelions and toms), so any more advice you guys can post to me much appreciated wether about my above topics or anything else i should know about,
cheers gb57