
More clubhead speed?

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I'm a beginner, have taken 5 lessons and can now hit the ball straight and consistently. With a 6 iron I'm usually hitting about 80-90mm and with a driver about 120-130m. I think my backswing is fine, but somehow on the downswing I can't get as much power as I want to. Basically at the top of my swing, I shift my weight to the left foot and turn my hips as fast as they will go. What can I do now? I need more speed!




  1. Have you tried eating a can of spinach before an important drive?  Works for Popeye.

  2. Do not try to get more speed remember you are learning try to get a good rhythm and tempo and things will improve.

  3. Try to get this training club called the power hitter. I have one and i used to only swing about 90 mph but now my swing speed is at 105, all from the power hitter. It's a heavy weighted hittable driver to gain at least 20 yards on all of your shots.

  4. More flexible graphite shafts??  If affordable.  If not, try to find an older, heavier used club you can buy cheap.  Practice swinging with it, and then go back to your current lighter club.  That should improve swing/clubhead speed a bit.
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