
More creative.. plz help....

by Guest56453  |  earlier

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i need some advice of what to do to become more creative... i really wanna be more creative for my art class cause i really think of some really good ideas for it but i can never come up with a good creative idea.. so what do i do to become more creative??? plz help.. and plz dont say just to read or anything plz!




  1. .don't force your creativity....its in everyone. just be yourself. let your natural character come out when you make art. no one has the same mindset as anyone else so if you are yourself...your art cannot possibly have the same appeal or meaning as your peers.

  2. Well reading is a great way to increase creativity as you have to visualize what is going on instead of it being fed to you like t.v.

    It's important to be open minded and observant of your environment. I listen to my favorite music and just let images come into my mind without forcing it, allowing the music to inspire me.

    Another thing to increase creativity is to play with children and really get to their level, let them lead playtime and you follow.

    Don't stress about trying to come up with what you think is a good idea, pick something and go with it, have fun and don't worry about what others are doing, just do your own thing.

  3. I have kind of the same problem

    i come up with cool stuff sometimes but when i want to its just not there but maybe if you get an idea from a picture or something you can just play with it and experiment until you find your style. once you have your style you can think of things that are important to you and use your style to express it in a way that satisfies you on a deeper level

    i know deep huh haha

    but if you can create with meaning you will enjoy it much moree and you will become better at it with practice

  4. Alright, I don't know if this can work for you, because, heh, well you're you and I am not you, but, I'd advise you to accept your initial thoughts on a piece. I'm not sure what you mean when you differentiate between "really good ideas" and "a good creative idea", but I will continue.

    I found that I come up with really outlandish ideas when I accept the ideas I would normally reject-- for me, these would be the sort that are "too cliche", or used recently, or normally forbidden, or ordinary (although that's a whole nother matter to think of, "ordinary".. but it sums up my discrepancies).

    And when I go with it, stuff rolls off my brain machine.

    For me it works not to force myself or resist myself-- for now.. -- letting things go as they naturally would.

    It helps to have fun and let things go naturally, too. I did so by stopping the train of thought that this wasn't "cool" enough, or good-looking enough, or brainy and witty enough... or impressive enough... it kinda makes you love yourself a little more.

  5. If you have to ask you will never know, your probably not that creative.

    Having really good ideas that are not creative does not make sence.

    So if you can, be yourself and quit tying to be the most creative person in class.

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