
More detailed question about the 0 in. strike!?

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Sorry I have to ask this question again but maybe I should have been more descriptive. I know what the Zero, One and Three inch punches are. I can successfully execute all three with results that would break your bones (fist) or knock you backward at least 5 feet (palm). These strikes are possible and are not weak at all. My final question is: has anyone ever experienced or seen a zero inch strike (a strike that begins at the surface, does not leave the surface before it is executed and either breaks the target or forces it backward.)?




  1. Yes.

    When I executed, his bodily fluids blew out of his eyes, nose and mouth - tearing, snots and spittle.

    He was a coworker who ridiculed me often about my martial arts background. I always avoided his but that morning he caught me in a bad mood. He approached me with his stupidity and got too close for comfort. I just put my knuckles against his ribs, open-hand, and when I felt he was not standing down, I bursted him.

    He was humbled and embarrassed. He walked away and latter on, his cousin who also worked in the company said to me that he told him "d**n, that guy has real skills".

    I replied: "I tried to avoid him". He said, "I know, my cousin could be an a*****e sometimes".  

  2. Yes, it's called a push.

  3. sorry, only in Kill Bill. I practice it occasionally, but I am far from mastering.

  4. Yes. And it didn't look any different than a guy being shoved with a fist. I've been hit with a good Fa Jing. The 0 in. looked like a load of bollocks. Sorry to break it to you.

    I'll accept a lot of things at face value. The whole Kiai-do nonsense is frankly where I draw the line.


    Aaron: Yes, Master Sasaki on Mind, Body, and Kickass Moves. I'm well aware of what he did. The experiment can be debunked under test conditions. Two possible physical reasons for the bell ringing: notice the stomp prior to kiai, and producing the right tone can cause resonane within the bowl shape. Flick a wine glass and shout into it. I used to do similar techniques working as a mentalist.

    Let me also point out that I do believe in using Kiai. I just don't believe in it in the same "Dim Mak"-esque portrayal its gotten by a lot of people. To be frank, I find a good deal of the martial arts "mojo" suspect and believe there to be simple explanations for all of it. Even the blasted Sakki test I have to do for my godan test.

  5. you say you can do these so you have seen them i dont understand why you are asking the question? are you asking have i ever seen anyone use it on the street?

    i have seen the techniques used many times in class and only once outside class and that was at shool because my friend thoguht it would be funny to s***w with someone and because most people saw the hand up that close already most people didnt understand what had just happend.

  6. Yes. We teach this move to bodyguards and bouncers, and our adult black belt students. We teach it along with the 3" punch. They are in principal all the same. I have people tell me all the time "Oh I know how to punch alright" until I show them the Zero inch punch or the 3" punch. These punches are essential to learn for close quarter fighting or as a control option in a crowded situation. The principal of these punches can be applied to add power to most punches.

    Stavick, these are real punches not Chi b.s. . It is a matter of shifting your body mass as fast as possible along with straigthing your arm and tightening your fist or shifting the position of your palm. It took me about 3 months of practice to get it where I could move my opponent about 5', or break 2 boards with a Zero inch punch.  My Practice partner was 6'8"weighed about 285 pounds. I am only about 5'5".Of course a full range punch has much more force

  7. Yes it is very possible! There's this one time that this guy came up to me and told me that he could kick my *** and started pushing me so I like said ill make you a deal. I'll fight you using only one hand  and no feet as long as we can start the fight with me placing my fist on your chest. He agreed, so then I like totally gave him a zero inch punch and blood started pouring out of his ears eyes mouth and nose, and there was a huge bruise on his back, his lungs were punctured by the broken ribs and then his head blew up.......the cops were have some reeeaaal skills.

    My opinion-

    close range punches are only good in the clinch or better yet while moving into the clinch through trapping range.  

  8. Fa Jing strike and push. Work these techniques often when practicing.  I also demonstrate them on much bigger "tough streetfighter guys" to show people what they misunderstand about Martial Arts, which generates great interest.

    Call me a fruitloop all you wish but I believe in fa li, fa jing, fa chi, and fa shen.

    stslavik- Have you ever seen the old guy ring the bell with his kiai? hmmm iiiineresting yeah I thought as much too. I don't see people being able to knock others down with a yell, unless the target has sensitive ears.

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