
More double door questions?

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In the US it is standard to walk in and exit thru the door that is on YOUR righthand side (please correct me if this is wrong)

Now my question is why do people find it necessary to enter/exit which ever door is being opened (read used) at the time???? It s like people are too lazy to open the door for themsevles despite that being the proper thing for them to do. I see this among men and women.




  1. Some people don't read signs, some don't hold doors for other people, some are just too busy talking to their company that they fail to notice which is which.

    Good for us, we have concern for others, we always put in mind our actions and we obey rules.

  2. ooooooooooo- haha.well yeah i guees. if people automatically assume ur guna hold it or just insist on you holding the is kinda does seem lazy of them...if you dont acknowlege that ur willing to hold it for them

    (i proably looked lik such an dummy right now lol) sry

  3. Generally we enter and exit on right.  In most stores nowadays they have automatic openers.  And if someone is directly behind you, it is always common courtesy to hold the door for them.  Also, if it is a lady, then you let her proceed first.  Woman's Lib be damned.

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