
More evolution proof? but will people believe it?

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  1. It does strike me as excitingly ridiculous to have a concept of a god who would produce such massive evidence to mislead every intelligent person. absurd and quite nasty.

  2. your link doesn't work

  3. Evolution proves that God in his super maximum genius had the forethought to give the humans , animals and creatures that he created the ability to progress and adapt to their surroundings.

    fossils prove that Darwin had nothing more than a vivid imagination.

  4. There is evolution WITHIN any species, as indicated in this article.  I don't think any educated person doubts that.  

    What the creationists generally argue is that there is no PROOF of any one species evolving into another species.  Though the archaeological record seems to indicate that this did in fact happen over and over, iron-clad PROOF of this is a bit harder to come by.

  5. Evolution is fact. Evolution is change in allele frequency over time, which happens between generations. We can observe it. It's real.

    Now, that was a neat article, as was the post before mine, but neither will convince a Biblical Creationist. They're not open to new views, which will ultimately be their demise. However, faith is man's way of acknowledging that his abilities are limited, that he's not top dog (that's what Malinowski said, only in fancier language). It's not fair to ridicule the faithful, but I do think it's okay to ridicule the closed-minded. They're fair game!

  6. the thing is God can make up all the proof he wants that support evolution. the fact that god might want religion to be more faith based isn't a stretch

  7. You have obviously not evolved to the point of being able to cut and paste URL links correctly!!!

    Darwin would be proud as the likes of you die out in this age of the Internet!!!


  8. God created Evolution. Why can't we all just get along?

  9. The most important part of this study, which was omitted, is that most Western Europeans were, and still are, Blood Type "O" (Hunter/Gatherer)...

    The drinking of animal milk products, originated in Kashmir (Northern India) appx. 10,000 years ago by Semitic tribes, some who headed west to Mesopotamia, and others who remained in what are today Hindu populations...

    All of these peoples have a predominance of Blood Type "B", which is the most compatible Blood Type for ingesting dairy products, because this Blood Type mutated from "O" precisely because of having a high dairy diet...

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