
More fertile after stopping BC pills?

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I have a random question, just out of curiosity. I have a friend who says that women are more fertile right after stopping a bc pill cycle. He says it has something to do with the surge in estrogen thats been suppressed and regulated while on the pills.

I'm skeptical. Has anyone ever heard of this before?




  1. No if anything is messes with your cycle for a month or two that is the reason they tell you to wait 6 months after stopping bc to start ttc.  

  2. Yep... I had the same experience- I was put on BC to regulate my periods for 3 months after trying to conceive for almost a year.  I conceived directly after stopping the pill, and carried the baby full term.  I don't know if it's recommended or not, as I've heard the opposite, too.  (Waiting after stopping the pill.)  But, it worked for me!  

  3. You're getting advice from a male friend on female fertility?

  4. After the pills your body is not 100% fertile as it is I would say 20%

    I am trying to concieve and yes my doctor says you can get pregnant right after taking them as it depends on the person but many get pregnant like a month or two afterwards. If you are taking prenatal pills after taking pills that would boost your fertility percentage as if you were on the pill for a long time your hormones need to be readjusted anyway  

  5. i have not necessarily heard of it, but i did get pregnant right after i stopped taking the pill.

  6. I have one child and have had four miscarriages. My OB put me on the BCP for 3 months and said that conception afterwards would be higher since things would get "back to normal."

    I can tell you that DD was conceived after being of BCPs for 2 weeks. I figure if it happened before I will try it again! Worth a shot. We decided that we were finally ready to have a child and it happened much sooner than we were expecting.

    Best of luck to you.

  7. I know that when my friends wife was having problems conceiving that they put her on BC for about 3 months to make her regular.  They also said this would help them conceive two months later they were pregnant. . after 3 years of trying. . unfortunately they lost the baby at 24 weeks.  

  8. i haven't ever heard that, google it and see, i did get pregnant 3 months after i stopped taking bc.

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