
More forward lean on front binding?

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I just read a post with someone saying that putting more forward lean on your front binding than the back, like four on the front and 2 on the back would help you actually put more weight or pressure on the front . Does anyone agree with this?




  1. I have never heard of anyone setting different forward lean on front and back.  This doesn't make any sense to me.  Everything we strive for in advanced riding is a solid centered stance - even bend in both knees and so forth.  I doubt that this would actually work, but even if it did, I would not take this route.  The inability to get your weight over your front foot or even between both feet is more about getting your mind to overcome the human reaction to lean uphill.  It takes practice and perseverance.  A few lessons from a certified instructor can certainly help too!

  2. Those stance setigs, degree angle, and forward lean settings are the most debated questions I see when it comes to snowboard setup. Everyone has a different opinion on what they do. In reading through these thousands of posts about the same thing here is what I've learned.

    1. Tbe best setting is the one that makes you feel most comfortable. The only way to find out is to adjust your forward lean on the front binding and see how it feels and what it provides you, then make your decision.

    2. There is no one setting that will suddently make you a pro. People constantly have problems when it comes to snowoarding and they read something about stance settings and they rationilze they must be struggling becuase their settings are wrong. There is no cure-all...the only way to get better is to practice.

    Change your settings, try out the suggestions and see how you feel about it.

  3. the more pressure you put on the back binding, the faster you will go...keeping your balance right in the middle is highly recommended though cause you have better control and you get about the same about of speed

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