
More global warming?

by Guest34294  |  earlier

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I don't have much to say, just read this article,2933,334682,00.html and give me your feedback




  1. We can see that there hasn't been any warming since 1998, and 1998 tied 1934 for the highest temperatures.

    This NASA graph shows the data clearly:

  2. LOL.  The first 3 sentences (correction: 4) of the Fox article are ALL factually in error.  I think that's got to be a record, even for Fox.  LOL

    I borrowed these from Dana:

    Warming since 1880:

    Warming since 1975:

    Warming since 1998:

    Warming since 2000:

    I borrowed this from JS:

    "The reason to show these is to expose the recent nonsense that has appeared in the blogosphere, to the effect that recent cooling has wiped out global warming of the past century"


    I see Jello still doesn't realize the planet is larger than the continental US.  1934 is a full 0.6 C colder than 1998 for the global average.  One might almost call into question Jello's scholarly credentials after his repeated mistake in this matter ;-)

  3. I will read it. However, consider this, as humans we all have a duty to do what we can to protest our own neck of the woods. In so doing, we contribute to saving the planet.

  4. A fox news article on global warming?

    There is no-one working for Fox News who will be winning a Nobel prize in the sciences any time soon. Enough said.


    Maledict628, from your statement it appears that you clearly posted this question already knowing which "answer" you will choose. This seems to be a common tactic by global warming sceptics who infest this topic. I suspect I'll be proven 100% correct in due course.

    An Inconvenient Truth did have flaws in it, and quite a few atmospheric scientists felt that it was overly dramatised. But the underlying principle that you can't pump billions of tons of pollutants or greenhouse gases into the atmosphere over and above the balance that nature has previously maintained and expect no consequences, is very sound. Honestly, you would have to be extremely naive to believe that! When it did present the science, the science was mostly quite correct.

    The evidence for global warming and a human influence is strong. The evidence against is weak. And the "evidence" trotted out by Fox like the "The Great Global Warming Swindle" and most other Fox stories (like its Moon Landing Hoax program) has not changed in quality over the years.

    Will, Jello is the top contributor because he is obsessed with an imaginary global warming conspiracy. Real scientists don't care about being the top contributor on Yahoo Answers.

    And NASA is run by liberals is it? Gee the astronauts with all their military service and stuff aren't going to be happy about that! The universities are all run by liberals too are they? So I guess you're saying that conservatives should stay right away from higher education?

  5. YOU  ROCK! hmm



    global warming is people's imaginations going too far and if any of you people read this....

    enough all ready. if you wanna believe it, go ahead and start walking to work and planting trees.

  6. I am SO glad jello is the top contributor for  this forum , There must be a very good reason he IS and Ken ISN'T

  7. A Fox News Opinion article and a complete farce of a "conference" (really just a PR stunt by a right-wing think tank).;...

    Not much more to say than that.  I stopped reading the opinion article when it falsely claimed that "global temperatures have been cooling dramatically over the last decade."  The first sentence is completely wrong - not a good sign.  You just have to look at the data to know that's a bold-faced lie.

    That's why you shouldn't get your climate science information from an economist.

    And why I generally stay away from Opinion sections in general.  Why should I care about an economist's opinion on climate science?  I bet I've studied it a lot more than he has.

  8. global warming is  not a pressing matter, let the planet heal itself as it always did. lets spend all that money on something more immediate like combating hunger, more care for the eldery, research on cancer , better school, global warming shoudl be a side issue. it is sad that politician are jumping on any thing that is "hot" with the public.
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