
More hamster issues?

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In the store, there is a hamster litter training thing. You put the hamster inside of it to go potty a few times and then it apparently will go there all the time. does this actually work???




  1. Overall it usually does work. The same concept can be used for guinea pigs, mice, rats, etc.

    What I would suggest is figure out where your hamster likes to go and put the litter their, he willbe more apt to use it. For some it takes a bit longer to get the concept - just keep working with him.

  2. ha ha! i got my hamster the same thing but he'll only use it occasionally because he likes to go to the bathroom in the same place. sometimes he's too lazy to go to it so he'll just go to the bathroom wherever he's standing. but when i check his little potty he'll usually have a few pieces of pellets on top. It mostly depends on the hamster, if he's willing to use it or not.

    People usually buy them for decoration, because they're cute and whatnot. but it all depends on your hamster. :)


  3. No, that only works for rats, sorry. Hamsters brains are really weenie lol.

  4. yes it does work i use it and hamster brains are not weenie they are intelligent.

  5. If u try yourself it maybe a no but if the pet store ppl is able to do it, u it might work if u try
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