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ok no one is helping me hear i need more ideas for a story come on people help!!!




  1. Why don't you try inspiring stories?

    Here's some topics:

    1. From rags to riches story.

    2. From nobody to somebody story

    3. A Friendship story

    4. A love-can-bear-all-things story

    5. A story which centers on hardwork despite of all trials his/her life can bring and finally achieves his/her goal.

    6. From not-so-good fellow to good ones through the influence of one person in his/her life.

    7. The true meaning of life

    If you want some inspirations I advice you to watch:

    1. Pay It Forward

    2. A Walk to Remember

    3. Princess Sarah

    4. Little Manhattan

    5. Picture This

    6. Bi-centennial man

    Tip: If you find it hard to watch it, you can search the internet for the synopsis. But watching the movies above can really benefit.

    If you want to read some resources, I advice you to read:

    1. A famous person who's now an important person in the society whose story is from poor to rich.

    2. Some novels that would fit for your topic.

    3. Some poems from famous poets like William Shakespeare or Robert Louis Stevenson or even Walt Whitman.

    4. The Bible. You can find some verses there that can also be an inspiration.

    And you can end your story in your way. It can be very touching as if a drama, a happy ending as if a fairytale or an unexpected ending as if a surprising story.

    I love writing stories about people. You Rock!!


  2. Draw ideas from your life experience. It would be the easiest and most fruitful for you because you know the most about it.

  3. How about a story about cheerleading...

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