
More info on LASIX???

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Ok...I understand that Lasix is used on bleeders and that it is a diuretic but how does urinating keep the horse from bleedin through the nose???





    personally im against it, the site above is very objective, so you can form your own opinion.

    for the record........ lasix is banned in most countries, (wonder why?)

    please report back with your opinions?

  2. The mechanism is poorly understood, to say the least, but an anticoagulant (blood thinner) would make the bleeding WORSE, not better.

    I believe it helps by reducing the excess water in the horse's body, which may reduce his blood pressure (as it does in humans), or which may make his lungs less moist and therefore less productive of mucous and subsequent bleeding.

    It does work, though.

    Procedures vary from track to track.  At my local track in the states, the Track Vet does NOT give Lasix.  The individual vets privately practicing on the track do.  The horse must have a bleeder cert on file with the office, must be declared to be on (or off, if he's been on) Lasix, and if tested must show it if he's supposed to have had it.

  3. Its a blood thinner,,

    But not to the point that it thins it so much that you bleed with a bruise or cut

      there fore ,

    Zep read this next  line Please>>>>

    ((When a horses given it it helps the blood to flow better, then clog it up !! )))))

    Heart patients use it also ,, for the same reasons

    Some horses that eat allot of Clover,, may have problems with bleeding

    People think Lasix is Just a mask for other drugs given ,, Well for a while it was,, But the big boys found out. (meaning the track officials)  

    So now, every horse on Lasix has the TRACK VET give it to him before the race

    and they post a Big sign on the stall of that horse Not to even Think of going Near it ,,Like a crime scene,,,

    See all these people that do not know Put down the track and racing

    But if one of those people could spend time on the BACKSIDE ,,,,They would never sat what they do about drugs steroids E,T,C,

  4. I owned two horses that were both winners of multiple races that both bled later in their careers. The racetracks that we raced on, the track veterinarian must give the Lasix. The horse remains in the pre/post race isolation barn. The horse will urinate more after receiving the dose. Incidentally, one of the horses was allowed to have Lasix, the other was not, even though we called the stewards to observe her bleeding, we just laid her off for 6 months and tried again, she did not bleed.

      Lasix does work as a diuretic. It does not work in all ways a anti-coagulant works. It works to restrict inflammation of the blood vessels in the lungs and esophagus so they will not burst thus resulting in bleeding. Works the same in humans.

    Lasix in some states (in which I agree) is considered a performance enhancing drug and is banned. A horse that runs with Lasix must be declaired as such and first time Lasix runners most times will run better. One reason, they are not bleeding, whether obvious or not, air supply is better for them.

    You must have Lasix ticket from a track steward, the track steward MUST observe the horse bleeding, then it sometimes is at their descretion whether the horse will be allowed to have Lasix.
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