
More info on why Louis XVI declared war on England in support of the American Revolution.

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2-3 sentences on why Louis declared war on england

i know it was in support of the american revolution

but expand on your answer

show works cited please





  1. Louis had no affinity for the Americans, other than the 'Enemy of My Enemy' variety.

    The value of the Revolution to Louis lay entirely in its ability to tie up British resources that could otherwise be used to counter French ambitions in the region - gains in the West Indies and regaining Canada.

    Even the attack by Rochambeau and de Grasse on Yorktown was primarily driven by French strategic interests, rather than American. Their mission was in the West Indies, and Cornwallis's army represented the only significant body of troops which the British could have used to reinforce their own WI forces. So they 'bagged' him enroute and then sailed south.

  2. He didn't, he just gave support to the Americans

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