
More lack of respect for the DNC?

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Did you catch on Hannity and Colmes show last night where they were interviewing Mike Dukakis at the Convention?

He was praising Obama for all of his grandeur but, when directly asked by Hannity to list some of his accomplishments he began to stutter like Porky Pig? Colmes chimed in with some catch phrases to help him and he would just repeat them back loudly and proudly like a freaking parrot.

Has the DNC lost all of its credibility with these types of fools?




  1. The DNC hasn't lost anything...the substance of character can only be fabricated so much before the walls start wearing thin. Their Golden Boy will tarnish very soon when the gold plating wears off.

  2. The DNC lost all credibility years ago.

  3. let's reverse the role and ask what has mccain accomplished in his 20 years?

  4. Yes.  It also seemed as though Dukakis might have bent his elbow too many times, and had a few too many martinis.

  5. not that the DNC really ever had any credibility to begin with..

    but really you cant blame Dukakis for not being able to list Obamas accomplishments.. there are none so there really is nothing for him to list.

  6. Funny how Biden, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Richardson, and company.  Went on record for 8 months saying Obama has no experience.  Now they show up at the convention and low and behold he has the experience and is ready to lead our nation. They somehow think that we are not paying attention, so Yes, they have no respect but more importantly, no sense of reason.

  7. Hiss Hiss Goes the Snake!

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