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1) with wild pair: is karstoderm a 0/0 or a 5/5?

2) can someone explain maelstrom djinn's morph to me? is he a 2/2 creature with 3 to flip? orrrr can someone just explain the whole maelstrom djinn to me!! :-p

3) what comes first uptap, upkeep or draw

4) can anyone recommend a good black discard card??




  1. 1.) The Karstoderm is a 0/0.  The wild pair only cares for what the power and toughness of the card when it's out of play.

    2.) If you choose to play the Djinn's morph, you get the creature faster and cheaper but it you lose it faster.  Vanishing means that at the beginning of your upkeep, you remove a time counter from it.  Once it has no more counters, it is sacrificed and goes to the graveyard.  If you pay the full amount, you get to keep it as long as it will live.

    3.) The steps are Untap, Upkeep, Draw.  You have to untap your lands so you can pay any upkeep costs.  If you did not untap first, then you may not have enough mana to pay for upkeep costs.

    4.) The best cards for discard would be: Duress, Thoughsieze, Hymn to Touroch.  The best discard creature would be Hypnotic Specter.

  2. 1) You get a 0/0.  Technically, Karstoderm comes INTO play with 5 +1/+1 counters, but Wild Pair's ability is based off of the bottom right hand numbers.  The +1/+1 counters mean nothing.

    2) Morph is a slightly older ability (Not that old, Onslaught block).  What it means is that you can play it face down for 3 mana of any type.  While face down, it is a 2/2 colourless creature with no creature type and no abilities.  It can be targetted in any other manner, but not by tribal spells.  It is not a Dijin, it doesn't have flying, nor is it blue.  You may then turn it up for its unmorphing cost (In this case, 1 blue and 2 others) any time you may play an instant.  Then, you follow the "When ______ is turned up" instructions.  In this case, you put time counters on it.

    3) Untap, Upkeep, Draw.  

    4) I like Skull Fracture, Mesmeric Fiend (Creature), and Blackmail

  3. 1. He's 0/0 because the +1/+1 counter isn't on it when it isn't in play.

    2. it takes 3 generic mana to play him facedown then you can flip him over for 3 again but only this time with a blue mana. And when he's flipped face-up, he'll be gone in 2 turns because at the beginning of your upkeep, you remove a vanishing counter.

    3. Untap, Upkeep then draw.

    4. There are a ton of great discard cards. Like funeral charm, mind shatter, stupor, thoughtseize among many.

    Here, you can find the type of cards you're looking for here:

    Hope this helped!:D

  4. 1) The one in play is a 5/5 (because he comes in with the tokens). The one in your deck is a 0/0 because he hasn't come into play yet, therefore has no +1/+1 tokens on him.

    2) Morph allows you to play the card as a 2/2 creature for 3 mana. The morph cost (on the Djinn it's 2U [U=Blue Mana]) can be paid at any time to turn the creature face up. The Djinn has a Triggered Ability that automatically gives him two time counters and Vanishing if he is face down and you flip him (usually with his morph cost). If you were to play the Djinn straight from your hand for his normal cost (called "hardcasting"), you NOT get any time counters and he would NOT have vanishing.

    3) Untap, Upkeep, Draw. You actually have it right  ^.^  

    4) Well, Blackmail is considered good because you can use it on turn one. Megrim is the enchantment most discard decks are based off of. I am also fond of Warped Devotion, but that is really only useful in blue. Use the search engine below to find the types of discard cards you want! Clicking the thumbnail picture of cards in this search engine causes them to leap forward and become bigger. Good luck.

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