
More martial arts Qs?

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For those of you who know any martial art:

What styles of fighting do you know? Tell me what you're good at, how long you've been taking it, what belt you are, how good you are... you know, stuff like that.

What I'm taking now is a style called KAWARU Kung Fu, but Kung Fu isn't the only thing taught in it. It's actually something two of my Sifu co-founded, Sifu Cliff and Sifu Lee. KAWARU is actually compiled of other styles such as Hapkido, Kempo, Tae Kwon Do, Tenchi, and Northern Shaolin Green Dragon Kung Fu.

What exactly does KAWARU mean? Well "kawaru" is Japanese for "change", which is appropriate considering one must change to adapt to a situation, such as in combat. But there is also a creed of KAWARU Kung Fu:

Knowledge without

Action is useless.

Wisdom without


Respect, and

Unity is incomplete

Running out of space...... BRB




  1. I didn't study martial arts... i know some techniques, though, just from watching scenes of martial arts, reading it from a book, etc.

    Styles I know?  I know boxing, some taekwondo moves (lol, round house kick of Chuck Norris, definitely that), submissions of real wrestling, throwing techniques, etc.  I'm an average user.

    Other Q: What real life Martial Artist (living or not) do you look up to most and/or think is the most badass?

    >> Bruce Lee is the most badass for me... he's the only one i know besides Jackie Chan and Jet Li... actually, they're the only three i know.

    Have you ever tried to copy any moves and techniques simply by watching it? Like in movies, TV, and (for my contacts) Anime?

    >> Watch "History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi" series... I learned a lot of moves there!!!  It's so realistic... the techniques used by the animation is really based on the real thing.  I tried it on my sibling and they work.  I like the Kuchiki Daosi, and the last technique (of his master) Kenichi used in the end of the series.  

    >> Movies... try Shaolin Soccer and Kungfu Hustle... the best so far... same main character but different stories... ^^

  2. Bruce Lee was a bum! He NEVER fought against other professional fighters to prove he was good!

    Even Joe Lewis who trained with Bruce Lee said Bruce Lee was not a fighter and that he never proved himself to anyone! Most of his "feats" were myth!

    Google this and you will see that Bruce Lee was NOT a fighter at all! He was an actor/showman!

  3. I would like to study the art of Jet Kung Du otherwise known as the style that Bruce Lee used.

    Yes, Bruce Lee is the best, he holds the standard hands down.

  4. I've been practicing martial arts for 7 years now. Im 17 and am a black belt in Taekwondo. I have experience in that and kickboxing, boxing, Wing Chun, my own interpretation of JKD, and Hung Gar style Gung Fu. Im pretty good with hands and legs and consider myself a more complete martial arts student because I dont practice only one thing. I love martial arts and its part of my daily life alongside being a high school student. My favorite martial art right now is Wing Chun. It's deadly fun and realistic in its application. Kawaru sounds very interesting and I'd love to see some of it some time!

    Bruce Lee hands down for me as well and yes I have tried to learn things from movies and sometimes anime, like kenichi or naruto. ^_^ Hahahahaha

  5. I can't say I'm good at anything although I'm a coach in jiu-jitsu and have a years experience in boxing.

    I Have faced many situations,but the most frightening was not physical although i didn't realise at the time, basically I had to eject 10 bikers from my club and after my fellow bouncer who was JKD trained refused to help,I had to deal with the situation alone, fortunately they gave no resistance as I was quite persuasive and they left without too much trouble and I was totally relieved as it could have been so much different.

    But I totally believe the most important aspect to have regarding bouncing or real situations is a total believe in yourself, I had no choice as it was my job at the time but given an option I certainly would have taken a safer option.

  6. --i did tkd for a little more than 6 years. i have my red belt black tip (i was one away from black belt). i was really good.

    hopkido for a little while. not enough time to mention it, but i know enough to talk about it. i only have my green belt in this style (the 2nd belt). idk, my instructor always said it was for self defense, but sport.

    i have also wrestled in high school. i stared my freshman year. i have been told i have talent coming out of my ears. i have never been to state, but i have been told i should have went to state my j.r. and senior year. i guess I'm okay, but not super good.

    -- as a little kid i tryed to copy movies like ninja turtals, 3 little ninjas, and side kick.

    -- who do i think is bad azz, GSP.

  7. I do brazilian jujitsu, and i love it. i only started a month ago, and i am still but a lowly white belt (*sniff*). my favorite fighter is probably bruce lee just because he's effing amazing.
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