
More of our tax dollars to Africa?

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Looks like we are tripling our contribution to fight AIDS in Africa. Couldn't we use that money here? This is what happens when the two parties work together. The American people get screwed.




  1. Couldn't we use that 3 TRILLION dollars we're spending in Iraq here. You should take that up with the government.

  2. Does Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel ring a bell?

    Why are you after the poor Africans?

  3. Agreed.  We need to cut off all foreign aid until we get our own $hit together.

  4. What we're sending to Africa is a drop in the bucket compared to the $$$ we're pissing away in Iraq. I think people should channel their efforts into putting an end to that nightmare first!!!

    Remember what's being lost in Iraq when you vote in November....ALL REPUBLICANS HAVE TO GO, they've done a horrible job and we ALL need to make a change.

  5. Endless money to Africa.Will they ever get that place sorted out.Maybe the colonists should go back and rule it properly.Rhodesia was a great example as to how Africa could be.

  6. I'm glad you're asking this question. In my opinion, this vote by the majority of Republican and Democratic senators was a good one.

    Saving hundreds of thousands of lives in Africa is not only the morally right thing to do, it is considered a national security issue.

    Once we finish the war, we'll have plenty of money to spend on domestic and international needs.

  7. Hey, Africa isn't the only continent America is sending money to. Also, why not? AIDS is not the only problem, they have diseases like Malaria that little children can die from, and there countries are not developed well enough for them to get proper medical attention. So those kids just die because they can't get a $4 bottle of medicine, because there aren't many stores and hospitals around there. So why not? America has enough money to spread around. We need to stop the war because that's where a large portion of our money is going.

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