
More of the Same??? your thoughts...?

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HOW HOW HOW??? can you possibly think Mccain is another Bush??? You are believing the Hype ....have you noticed that the Obama Campaign changed strategies recently the convention !! because ...the Claim of "CHANGE" wasn't working any more and can be better prov-en by especially with Palin on the Ticket..Mccain is a much Better leader than Bush was ..Bush had no friends in the democratic party ...McCain's got Plenty ..Politics aside there is not one dem who questions his character and Judgment...they now have to say things to help Obama ...but they previously said they would trust and support him...even would be on the same ticket with him....Don't allow yourself to be fooled watch when Obama can't prove MORE OF the SAME...he will have to find another slogan.... or somthing ...But make No Mistake Mccain is drueling at the chance to get rid of some of the republican moochers well as the democratic...ones too.....Mccain almost didn't get the Nomination ..because

A. he is a Liberal republican..almost an independant / and same ol same ol republicans like em as far right as possible..sarah Palin made em feel better...

B.He supported the surge and it worked perfectly , It made republicans look they supported the Fact he stood up for it ...But what they don't realize is that he did that for the Good of our TROOPS!! & Country security..not the republican Party ...The truth is that if we left and taliban move in to a unsettled un managed area ..they get control and then Iran ...Alquada & taliban get a strong hold ..and with Iran trying to produce NUKES...we can not allow this to be avalible to the Taliban and Alquada...Plus retreat shows defeat and would streanghten the cause of the terrorist...who want to kill us...That was Brilliance on the Part of Mccain to have the forsight ...he has the foreign Policies he voted with Bush 90% of the time ...that doesn't mean anything...most of it was for war efforts ..true ..but some of it was for school reform...relief aid..and other forms of bills that Both Hillary & Biden voted in favor with as well...Did you know Mccain Voted with G.W.Bush Hillary / Biden & most Dem's in Favor of Putting a Ban..( moratorium) on off shore that it is coming up for a renewal ...mccain wants to lift the Ban...Obama Doesn't ..It will not save us ..but its a start.. at least mccain is willing to CHANGE....continuing the ban is TRULY MORE OF THE SAME!!. & that is Obamas position...He told a stadium full of republicans to ther face last night that the republican party has lost it's way and need to be reformed ...That was a direct shot at the More of the same G.W.Bush political machine..with out actualy saying it...Be realistic...he couldn't go in there and bash Bush ..its' not Gentlman Like..nor is it good for the country...especially in times we live in..with men & women in the Middle east...




  1. If you go for a s*x change and they sew on a second p***s???

    Thats not change, thats just more of the same.

  2. Obama is a sitting duck.  McCain and Palin have Obambi caught in cross-fire, and it's awesome!

    McCain-Palin 08!  "Change We Can Believe In"

    Go Mavericks!

  3. The reason I would say that McCain is more of the same because he said himself that he voted with the president OVER 90% of the time. He is like any old politician, he says what the people want to hear. In a case such as this one I believe it to be very hypocritical. Watch the video in my source, if not here's the quote from it....


    QUESTION: Are you proud of the work and the work and the leadership of the commander in chief in this war?

    MCCAIN: Yes I am. I think the President has led with great clarity and I think he's done a great job leading the country, don't you all? [MSNBC, Hardball College Tour, 4/23/03]

    MCCAIN: The President and I agree on most issues. There was a recent study that showed I voted with the President over 90 percent of the time, higher than a lot of my even Republican colleagues. [Fox News Channel, 5/22/03]

    MCCAIN: The fact is that I have agreed with President Bush far more than I have disagreed, and on the transcendent issues, the most important issues of our day, I have been totally in agreement and support of President Bush. [Meet the Press, 6/19/05]

  4. I fully support our country and our troops as does President Bush and Senator McCain.

    I further support what President Bush has accoplished and I support the changes Senator McCain propose to make.

    However, I did not support Senator McCain's methods of going against President Bush and using the media to support his positions.

    Senator McCain is not a carbon copy of President Bush but like President Bush Senator McCain loves and Supports his country and its best interests. Unlike Barack HUSSIEN Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. For me personally it's because he has voted the same as Bush 90% of the time. His tax cuts are not as good as Obama's. Under Obama there will be more tax cuts for the middle class than under McCain. For offshore drilling, it will take years before we can get that oil and it won't last very long (I believe it will last less than a year.). We need to stop relying on oil and short term resolutions. For most Democrats I believe he got the nomination because he voted against the war from the beginning. It always seemed to get back at that at the democratic debates. I just hope that whoever becomes president will help the Untied States for the better, whether it be McCain or Obama.

  6. All the people that voted for Bush are now voting for McCain.

    'Nuff said.

  7. The fact is McCain flip flops more than a fish out of water. He puts John Kerry to shame. First he is for tax cuts, then against them, then for them again and so on. He agreed with 95% Of Bushes tactics and if we elect this lunatic we may end up in a never ending war with Iran. Plus the man would most likely die in office which would make Palin president and lets just face the Fing facts, She has less experience than Obama and Biden combined.

    I for one am sick of a small minded government that is going no where but down. We need to fix problems here at home and stop trying to bring democracy to some sandbox or so they claim thats what they are there for. We all no its oil. Fattening the capitalist piggy bank.

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