
More on the Con-verb. Are they any good if irritating only half the readers?

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There are a thousand kinds of Democrat

and one kind of Republican.





  1. better to tell the truth....    they are the same snake with two heads....

    and they both with  " bite " you in the butt given a chance


  2. While I love a good 'fight' as much as the next guy, I've usually got my tongue firmly in my cheek whilst swinging punches. (Unless, of course, it's in response to personal abuse - then I take off at least one glove.)

    However, this does seem to be getting a bit heated, and while I don't fully understand exactly what's behind it, I think you need to calm down a bit, Robert. For what it's worth, bearing in mind that you've previously suggested that I'M Peter, you really need to be sure of your facts before you stick your neck out. (For your own sake, if nothing else.)

    Calm down. Although I've taken a 'pop' at your poetry from time to time, I always admired your not rising to the bait and retaining a dignified silence. Also, the gentleman you refer to, to my 'ear', just doesn't 'sound' like Peter, although I can say with all honesty that I really don't know.

    Now calm down. Think of your blood pressure. If someone doesn't like your poetry, just let them say so. How can it hurt you? You've got enough fans as it is, surely? (And don't call me Shirley.)

  3. Is this another poem? Its like, way way too much for me I like poems I can understand. It looks like you're like the best poet on here so it must be good. Ill catch on I think

  4. Anyone irritated by or appreciative of such nonsense is either deplorably shallow or stupid enough to think that it is fashionable to feast upon the garbage seen for garbage by those of lower classes.

    Please, continue to silence your critics by blocking them.

    This shows anyone capable of thought that you are only capable of handling praise, which you sadly receive bountifully from your fellow word whores.

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