
More people surfing the net slow my internet speed?

by  |  earlier

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When multiple people are using the internet (simply surfing not downloading or playing internet games), does it make it slower ?




  1. The internet is a series of tubes.  And when you start dumping too much stuff in these tubes, they get all clogged up.

  2. no surfing (unless they are going to some huge pages and refreshing every second) should not slow down your internet connection. unless you have like 50 + comuters surfing at the same time on the same connection you should not have speed problems

    try going to and test your speed and compare to ppl that have the same isp that are in your area. if alot of other ppl are having speed problems

    switch to comcast !!!! lol

  3. yes and no

    yes because if its enough people it poses a threat like a clogged artery that causes  a heart attack

    no unless they are doing some huge stuff on there end gaming downloading ect.

    also if you had enough people on at once the provider may cut service because they think people are stealing internet access.

    and if they don't enough people on the bandwidth could slow and even stall your internet connection

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