
More popular than a truck load of burnt babies...?

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...Rudy Giuliani!!! Remember him? He was the guy from New York that Fox news once said was the republican front runner for the next presidency! Once America's most repected & accepted corrupt politician, now a forgotten memory in the miinds of most Americans.

My question is...will the loser for the presidential bid between senators McCain/Obama be as readily forgotten as Rampaging Rudy was for his bid? I mean Rudy fizzled out FAST, could either a defeated McCain or Obama ever fizzle out of the public memory as fast as Rudy got dispatched???




  1. The cadidates of this election will be rememdered for quite some time do to the fact that this is the 1st time in this nayions histry that a black person  has made it to the fnal election  for president  Win or lose he and his oppnent will be remembered for quite some time  This Is Not the 1st ime a black peson has ran for president (remember Rev. Jesse Jackson?) This is the 1st time a black person  has managed to get this far in his bid to become president.

  2. Rudy didnt support drilling a hole in a 9 month old unborn babies head and sucking out the contents...The Obama does..that answer your "question?"

  3. Sick title  (not in a good way)

    But yeah, I do think that McCain will be quickly forgotten (Not that I'm voting for Obama, socialism just isn't my style, but I guess that's why I'm not voting for McCain either)

    Most people I know that are voting for McCain are doing so because their scared to death of Obama.

    I, for one am SICK of voting for the dude that doesn't suck so bad. I'm not scared of Obama, and if it takes 4 years of him for the Republican party to get back to it's roots and not overlook candidates such as Ron Paul, then that's what I have to support.  Their candidates have consistently gotten worse, and I don't see it getting better until principled people decide to take a stand.

  4. Well, obama's going to win, so he's covered.

    And McCain's lucky if he's still alive at the next election, so it may be a moot point for him.

  5. to me Rudy Giuliani was never that great.  So no.

    Rudy is not an issue and never was considered like Obama or McCain.

    People do forget.  Like an Al Gore and a John Kerry but some will remember these goof there names come up now and then but never in a good way

    I voted for both of them.  But was I wrong?

    This time I am voting for John McCain as Obama sickens me

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