
More proof of alien activity on Mars?

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As if we need more proof of aliens sculpting signs into the Mars landscape to communicate with humans, I have been made aware by the alien underground news network I belong to that more evidence has been uncovered, and this is way too amazing too be a coincidence. On the surface of Mars, directly opposite to the famous Face on Mars within approximately 1/10th of a degree of accuracy, is another landmark made by alien hands. It looks like a butt. There's two butt cheeks, and they look a little lumpy and the left cheek has a big pimple on it. It's a little too realistic to be simply a product of meteor impact and erosion! What do you think, is this the final piece of proof we need to know that aliens have visited our solar system?




  1. It's Pac-Man! I always knew he was from Mars!

  2. If u like that u are going to love watching this. i was pretty impressed.

  3. How do we know that the butt is actually a "butt"? I mean we're talking about an alien race here. Maybe that's what the aliens heads looked like. For all we know the martians could be a bunch of a--holes!

  4. My God!

    I could never believe the face thing. But a butt. With a pimple!

    I'm convinced! Clearly, the aliens understood that random forces of nature could sculpt rock into shapes that could be mistaken as being of intelligent sources. But natural forces don't have a sense of humor and would never sculpt a butt with a giant pimple. Therefore, this formation absolutely must be the result of intelligent creatures. Brilliant!

  5. That's totally a butt.  Why didn't we send the Mars rover into that valley?

  6. Actually we would need at least two more pieces of evidence.   A large pink hole and a large roll of paper.

  7. The second object has been observed expelling Methane Gas.What seem to be contortions or grimaces have been spotted on the face.Seismic activity of a particularly odorous nature is suspected.

  8. No.

  9. So, obviously if this photo is really of mars, then the fact is aliens are real, and they dont like us.

    I agree totally. I could have accepted the face as a coincidence, but this is just too much. What are they gonna sculpt next, a big middle finger?

  10. Sarcasm does not become you.

    On closer examination, the details of the face are lost to view, but a little out of focus it really was a sensation.

    That is not to say that we have any proof as to who put it there, if it really is an artifact.  It's much more likely to be just another thing that God put in the solar system to educate and amuse us and stimulate our little minds.

  11. Did'nt you notice the flying saucer in the top left hand of the Photo??!!


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