
More protected log in for mac?

by  |  earlier

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how can i make it so when im logged out of my account on a mac lap top, you are not able to log back in by pressing restart. My sister always uses my laptop and screws it up and she just presses restart to get back in .




  1. put a password on your account, and uncheck the box for automatic login.

  2. I thought Macs were perfect and better than PCs in every way. That's what everybody I know  with a Mac tells me about my PC.

  3. In System Preferences, go to the Accounts control panel and choose Login Options. Uncheck the box that says "Automatically log in as:".

    (Don't forget to have your name and password memorized. :)

  4. System Preferences>Accounts>Login Options>Automatic Login: Disabled.

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