
More "which sign" question?

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which sign is the shyest?

which sign could most likely be a serial killer?

which sign is the most gulliable/naive

which sign has trouble expressing emotions

which sign is the most outgoing

which sign is the naughiest overall?

which sign could be obese/overeat

which sign do you think would like younger women

which sign are you and what sign are you most attracted to?

which sign changes crushes as much as they do underwear?

which sign is the toughest?

which sign falls in love easily?

which signs make the overall BEST couple in your opinion?

most of all, which is your favorite sign and why do you like them so much? thanks for filling this out =)




  1. Most outgoing would be LEO.

    Naughtiest is Sag.

    Serial killer is definately Scorpio. We have a great poker face, you could say..

    Changes crushes a lot... I'd say Cancer. Same with falls in love easily.

  2. which sign is the shyest?


    which sign could most likely be a serial killer?


    which sign is the most gulliable/naive


    which sign has trouble expressing emotions


    which sign is the most outgoing


    which sign is the naughiest overall?


    which sign could be obese/overeat


    which sign do you think would like younger women


    which sign are you and what sign are you most attracted to?

    I'm a Pisces...Mostly attracted to Aquarians....but physically attracted to Capricorns...^^

    which sign changes crushes as much as they do underwear?

    can i say signs? Pisces, Sagittarius....

    which sign is the toughest?

    i dont really know

    which sign falls in love easily?


    which signs make the overall BEST couple in your opinion?

    Pisces and Virgo...^^

    I find Virgos challenging...^^ They can sometimes deny their emotions which i find very cute....and entertaining...^^ I love seeing them blush..^^

    most of all, which is your favorite sign and why do you like them so much? thanks for filling this out =)

    Leos....warm, friendly, humorous..... and Aquarians....most of my friends are....^^

  3. 1. Taurus

    2. Pisces

    3. Leo/Pisces

    4. Aquarius

    5. Gemini

    6. Whats naughiest?

    7. Any sign

    8. Leo

    9. Leo, attracted to Taurus

    10. Any fire sign

    11. Fire signs

    12. Libra

    13. Negative signs have the tendency to be more faithful

    14. Leo's, they are playful and positive about everything (I'm not talking about just the sun sign, its the whole chart, the more negative sign)

  4. Taurus.






    I'm a taurus. Pisces.




  5. which sign is the shyest? Cancer

    which sign could most likely be a serial killer? Scorpio

    which sign is the most gullible/naive? Pisces

    which sign has trouble expressing emotions? Virgo

    which sign is the most outgoing? Leo

    which sign is the naughtiest overall? Scorpio or Gemini

    which sign could be obese/overeat? Taurus, Cancer and maybe Leo or Libra (fat chance tho, lol)

    which sign do you think would like younger women? Gemini

    which sign are you and what sign are you most attracted to? I'm a Scorpio and I'm mostly attracted to Taurus or Cancer...sometimes another Scorpio

    which sign changes crushes as much as they do underwear? Gemini

    which sign is the toughest? Capricorn

    which sign falls in love easily? Pisces or Libra

    which signs make the overall BEST couple in your opinion? Scorpio and Cancer

    Now that I think about...I don't really have a fav...but the one I get along with the most is Cancer: will have your back when no one else will, and they are very sweet (some..not all).

  6. which sign is the shyest?  Virgo

    which sign could most likely be a serial killer?  Capricorn

    which sign is the most gulliable/naive - Pisces

    which sign has trouble expressing emotions - Scorpio

    which sign is the most outgoing - Gemini

    which sign is the naughiest overall - Gemini

    which sign could be obese/overeat - Cancer

    which sign do you think would like younger women - N/A

    which sign are you and what sign are you most attracted to?  I'm a Libra and am mostly attracted to Scorpio.

    which sign changes crushes as much as they do underwear?  Gemini

    which sign is the toughest?  Scorpio

    which sign falls in love easily?  Cancer

    which signs make the overall BEST couple in your opinion?  Libra and Scorpio

  7. which sign is the shyest?

    Pisces or Virgo, they are both opposite signs that are reserved.

    which sign could most likely be a serial killer?

    Scorpio and Aries, both rule mars well Scorpio did traditionally so they have the bloodlust.

    which sign is the most gulliable/naive

    Pisces and Libra, Pisces sees the good in everything while Libras are just plain naive.

    which sign has trouble expressing emotions

    Capricorns and Cancers, opposite signs. Capricorns just can't express emotions at all while Cancers have to open up out of their shell until they express themselves.

    which sign is the most outgoing

    All the fire signs and air signs, masculinity equals extrovertedness.

    which sign is the naughiest overall?

    I believe Sagittarius are, e.g. Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera even admitted to being 'dirrty', Miley Cyrus, Vanessa Hudgens.

    which sign could be obese/overeat

    Taurus overindulge in everything but they are ambitious so they can get the weight off Pisces tend to turn to food when depressed as well as Cancers

    which sign do you think would like younger women

    I honestly don't know...some old guy who wants to look cool with a younger chick. Any sign.

    which sign are you and what sign are you most attracted to?

    Libra and Pisces, they're creativity, imagination, martyr way inspire me.

    which sign changes crushes as much as they do underwear?

    Leos, because they realize the other didnt fit their standards, also Libras because they are indecisive.

    which sign is the toughest?

    All the fixed signs hold true to their selves and stay grounded.

    Taurus, Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio.

    which sign falls in love easily?

    The Venus signs, Libra and Taurus, because after all they're all about love and maybe it depends on the Venus sign.

    which signs make the overall BEST couple in your opinion?

    All of them...


  8. which sign are you and what sign are you most attracted to?....Leo and Aries/Virgo

    which sign changes crushes as much as they do underwear?.....Sag, Leo and Aries

    which sign is the toughest?....Aries

    which sign falls in love easily?....Scorpio

    which signs make the overall BEST couple in your opinion?.....Any whose willing to be fair to eachother and have a strong communication bond.

  9. which sign is the shyest?

    Only at first Pisces & Capricorn

    which sign could most likely be a serial killer?

    any sign crazy and deluded enough..

    which sign is the most gulliable/naive

    Pisces & Aquarious

    which sign has trouble expressing emotions

    Capricorn & Virgo

    which sign is the most outgoing

    Aquarious & other air/fire signs.

    which sign is the naughiest overall?


    which sign could be obese/overeat

    Capricorn or Taurus.

    which sign do you think would like younger women


    which sign are you and what sign are you most attracted to?

    Cap sun - Aquarious & Cancer

    which sign changes crushes as much as they do underwear?

    All the flighty and flirty

    which sign is the toughest?

    scorpio or  cancer

    which sign falls in love easily?


    which signs make the overall BEST couple in your opinion?

    Any couple who adore eachother & condone their differences (:

  10. which sign are you and what sign are you most attracted to?

    I'm Aquarius and I'm attracted to Libras and Scorpios.

    which sign changes crushes as much as they do underwear?

    Geminis. Or people with Gemini venus. They change so often they may not even remember. lol.

    which sign is the toughest?

    Toughest should be Aries or Scorpio.

    which sign falls in love easily?

    Cancer and Pisces. They are too emotional and they're not sure of what they want at times.

    which signs make the overall BEST couple in your opinion?

    I think Scorpio & Taurus make a GREAT match. They always seem to go back to eachother eventhough they are opposite signs.

    I really like Libras. as I said before. :]

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